Snowing In The Summer

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I really wanted to go through those church doors to find out where that mystery woman went, but it would have been disrespectful towards Lilliyah and and her mother, so I stayed for the whole service. At the end of the service, I even helped carry the coffin out of the church and to Lilliyah's final resting place. We all gathered around as some helped to lower Lillyah's coffin into the six foot deep hole. As we had a moment of silence for Lilliyah, something cold fell from the sky and touched the back of my neck, making me shiver. Kier felt me shiver as I was stood next to him.

"Cold?" he joked, whispering. I actually was cold for some reason, it was the middle of July, even though Grandomina failed at portraying that. Another drop of coldness landed on my neck. I looked up to the sky and saw little tiny white drops of powder falling from the grey clouds. Was that snow? It started to fall a little heavier now, that people started to notice it and it became more recognisable.

"Snow?" I whispered to myself. Kier heard me whisper and spotted me looking up into the sky. He tilted his head back and looked up too. It was snowing in the middle of summer. I looked back down and around me and saw the people of the town looking confused and the snow started to come down a little more heavier.

"Ah it went in my eye!" I heard Drew cry from beside me. I turned my head and saw him rubbing his eye as snow fell onto his hair and face.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have a rare case of I suggest we bury Lilliyah so her soul doesn't freeze on the way to heaven." said the priest, just as confused as everyone else. Three men stepped forth with shovels and started burying the coffin.

"Let's get out of here." said Shane, pulling his collar of his jacket up over his neck and walking away from the graves. Drew followed straight behind and then so did the rest of us.

As we drove back, the snow started to become heavier, that Luke was finding hard to see. I flicked the windscreen wipers on a full power to make it easier for Luke to see.

"Why the hell is it snowing?" asked Kier from the back, confused. Drew rolled down the window on his side and stuck his head out, letting his face getting covered in snow. Snow started to come in the car from Drew's side and started to cover Shane and Kier in snow.

"Oh come on man!"

"Drew close your window!" complained Kier and Shane as Shane pulled Drew back in and done his window up. Drew had snow all in his hair and it had also formed into a massive snow beard on his face. Luke looked back in his windscreen mirror at Drew and started laughing as we all did.

"You're mad, Drew." snickered Shane. Drew shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, sending snow flying everywhere, even hitting me in the back of my neck.

"God dammit, Drew!" cried Kier, brushing snow off of him.

We finally reached the house before a huge snow storm started. Luke just managed to park the car around the back of the house. We all jumped out of the car and stood in a layer of snow which just covered our boots.

"What the hell is going on?" shouted Luke to me, wrapping his arms around his body.

"I don't know, but we need to get inside!" I shouted back as I started too walk forward. I had to squint to stop the snow flying into my eyes. I got to the front porch, almost slipping in the snow and waited for the others behind me. I helped them each up onto the porch just in case they slipped, which Drew did but I caught him before he fell. I unlocked the door and we all piled in, desperate to get out of the cold. I stood in the doorway of the house for a moment, watching the snow fall and land thicker on the ground. I slammed the door shut to keep the heat in. Kier, Shane, Drew and Luke were all rubbing their bodies and banging their boots on the floor to get the snow off. I did the same, banging my boots against the wooden floor and watching the snow fall off and melt into a puddle.

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