The Truth

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I had returned home that day, confused. I couldn't get Snow off of my mind. Was she okay? Was she safe? Who was her 'dad' really? I just wanted to know everything. I wanted her to stop being shy so she can open up to me, but she just had nervousness constantly swimming through her, I guess. I sat in my usual spot by the window and just gazed out upon the gloom.

"Hey Laurence," I heard a voice. I turned my head and saw Shane's head peeping around the door. "wanna come down to the ink store with me? It'll be great to have your company." I thought for a second.

"Yeah, why not." I had to get Snow off my mind anyway, so Shane shall be the one to do that. A smile spread on his face as I got off the window sill and walked over to him.

We had a quick walk into the town, Shane spoke nonsense about different artist's and painting techniques which just bored me and it still didn't get Snow off my mind. I tried to think about other things but she would just pop back into my head. We made our way down the market, admiring the open stalls with Grandomina's goods, but still no smiles on anyone's faces. Some people bowed slightly at my site and others just ignored.

"Here's the ink shop, you coming in?" asked Shane as we stopped outside the shop. I nodded and then Shane led the way. A bell rang as we opened the shop door and suddenly I was surrounded by shelves and shelves of different colours of ink pots. Shane went to the counter and started talking to the shop owner about inks whilst I pondered around and started looking at the inks. I stood by the window of the shop and looked at the 'Jazz Colours'. I took a glance out the window and noticed the snowglobe stall opposite the ink store. Something caught my eye so I did a double take. With their back facing me, I spotted a long white, silvery cape with the hood up. It was exact same cape I saw at the funeral.

"Hey Shane, I'm gonna go check out the snowglobe shop." I informed Shane as I placed the inks back into place.

"Ah okay buddy, I'll be out soon." he smiled at me as I started to leave the shop. The bell rang as I stepped outside. The silvery cape was still there, just further into the shop. I put my arms behind my back and started to slowly pace forward towards them, admiring the snowglobes. They walked over to the biggest snowglobe of the shop and leaned over it. The model inside the snowglobe was a little girl made of ice, dancing as the snow floated around her.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I finally said to them, walking towards the snowglobe. They kept their head down with the hood covering their face.

"It is." they whispered. The voice was recognisable. A female voice. It sounded just like Snow. I leaned closer, trying to peer under the hood.

"Snow?" I asked, quietly. They lifted their head and pulled down their hood. White hair flowed out and ice blue eyes locked on me. It was Snow. I gasped and rushed over to her. "Oh my god, hey!" I said happily. Snow didn't crack a smile. Infact, she looked scared and saddened. I also noticed she had a few marks on her which weren't there before. I straight away spotted blue and purple marks on her neck, bruises. And her lip had been split, but looked like it was healing quickly. My smile dropped. "What's all this? What happened?" I asked, placing a hand on her forearm. I could feel the coldness of her skin coming through the cape. At least she didn't flinch away from me this time. She didn't answer, but looked around herself and then back at me.

"Can we go somewhere else?" she asked, quietly. She had a sort of pleading look to her face and fear in her eyes. I nodded and we walked out of the shop and onto the street. Just outside, Shane came out of the ink store and spotted me and Snow.

"Hey Laurence I- oh! Hey Snow, how are you?" blurted out Shane. Snow didn't answer, but lowered her head.

"Uh, I'm gonna hang around with her for a while if you don't mind?" I covered for Snow.

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