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I pondered around all day. Went back and spent some time with the boys, explained everything to them about Snow and her get away and how I actually might be falling in love with the girl.

"Laurence, love is banned in Grandomina." started Kier.

"Yeah if anyone finds out, they'll tell the King and have you beheaded! Prince or not." added Shane.

"Guys, relax. That's why me and her are going to Willow Whisp Valley, I can express love there." They all sat there in silence and looked at me and one another with slight guilt in their faces. "What?" I finally asked.

"Uh, Laurence," started Shane, "Willow Whisp Valley...its a ghost town." he finally said, uneasy. My smile slightly faded off of my face.

"What do you mean?"

"Willow Whisp Valley is abandoned. No one lives there anymore." spoke Kier.

"Everyone packed up and left years ago, it looks like a haunted town. It's empty." added Luke. I sat there in slight shock. I promised Snow I would take her there, to make her live a happy life. I gazed at the clock and realized it was almost midday. I couldn't not show up but I couldn't take her there. She will be crushed anyway.

"I have to go meet Snow." I said quietly, standing up from the table.

"Where you guys going?" asked Shane. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away from them, unsure what to say to Snow.

I took the car to Snow's are parked outside the woods, waiting for her to come. Through the trees I saw a white cloak coming towards me and huge smile. It broke my heart seeing her that happy over something that wasn't true. She pulled open the car door and threw in a bag, looked hand made, onto the floor below the seat and then climbed in herself. She turned to face me with glowing eyes.

"Laurence, I'm so excited for this! I can't thank you enough, I'll finally be free as soon as I arrive!" she smiled. I couldn't help but let a glum expression fall upon my face. She noticed it and dropped her smile. "What's wrong?"

"Snow, I have to tell you something...something about Willow Whisp Valley." I started. She stared at me to continue. "It may not be the place you've always dreamed of, it may be kind of dark and glum."

"Laurence, I doubt it's that bad. Just please take me there." she persuaded.

"I don't know, it's really not the right place for you to go be happy." I said, trying not to let her down. Excitement rushed out of her eyes and her body sort of slouched in the car seat.

"Well, how bad could it be?" she spoke with a quieter voice. I looked at her an sighed. I felt awful that I couldn't make her dream come true. "Just take me there, ok?" pleaded Snow as she placed her hand on my arm. I looked down and stared at her tiny white hand. I could feel the coldness of her skin coming through my jacket. I looked up at her and saw her pleasing eyes and wobbling bottom lip.

"Okay." I finally agreed, having the feeling of guilt in my stomach.

Snow held a map and directed the way for me to drive down, each bend and turn. Took us around three hours to get there, three hours of guilt building up inside me. I didn't want to see the hurt and sadness on her face when she realized Willow Whisp Valley is now a ghost town. The air around us was thick with mist and as we got closer, little snowflakes started to appear from the sky. I gazed over at Snow and did not see her crying at all, but saw anxiety in her expression.

After a few more minutes, we passed a sigh which made my heart sink a little and made Snow sit up to attention. 'Welcome to Willow Whisp Valley'. We approached a grand entrance to the town. I parked the car in front and we both climbed out. We stood under an arch way which led to the town. I stood by Snow's side and saw that her face had dropped to a confused and saddened expression. All we could see was the mist and tiny drops of snow falling. I was ten times more confused this time over the snow as Snow wasn't crying.

"Why is it snowing? Willow Whisp Valley is meant to be sunny and filled with colours and happiness and laughter, not greyness and silence." finally spoke Snow. I stayed silent and took a step forward, leading my way into the town with Snow trailing just behind. We slowly strolled down the path, expecting there to be something more than this. But as we went further into the town, we seemed to only be surrounded by mist and abandoned houses. The houses looked run down and old, almost falling to pieces and lost their colours. Shane was right, this place was a ghost town. "I...I don't understand..I thought that...I just...what?" stuttered Snow, not believing her eyes.

"I'm sorry Snow...I didn't want to bring you here." I spoke, standing and looking around myself. She stopped in front of me and turned towards me. Her face was confused but also sad, but her black eye was brighter than ever.

"You knew? You knew about this place being abandoned?" said Snow, quietly.

"I got told this morning that this place had become a ghost town a long time ago. I wanted to tell you straight up but I didn't want to hurt you. I'm so sorry Snow." I apologized, looking down. I felt terrible for doing this to Snow, for taking her all this way for disappointment. I suddenly felt an ice cold hand place itself upon my cheek. I looked up to see Snow right in front of me. Clear and almost white skin, white eyebrows and eyelashes, ice blue eyes with a thick ring of blue and purple around one. 

"It's okay." she whispered to me. "I was hoping for a brighter future, but I guess there is no hope for me." 

"Snow, don't say that. There is always hope for you." I started, placing my hand over the top of hers. "We just  haven't found the right place for you yet, and I promise it will happen. I will take you away from this hell hole and you will be happy again. No more hurt, no more abuse." Snow smiled at me and I could see her eyes turning glossy.

"Thank you Laurence. Now come on, since we're here, let's look around." she said quietly with a small smile. I smiled back and then we both headed further into Willow Whisp Valley, curious of the abandoned town.

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