Confessions Of The Snow

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I made it to the front door of my house, snow starting to whirl around me. I pushed open the door and let the warmth of the indoors consume me.

"Laurence? Laurence!" I heard a voice cry. I looked up towards the top of the stairs and saw Drew, happy to see me. He ran down them and straight towards me. "Where the hell have you been?!" he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Laurence!" cried Kier, as himself and Shane followed down the stairs and towards me. "Dude, I was like freaking out because you were gone." sighed Kier, putting a hand to his heart.

"Where have you been?" asked Shane, trying to pull Drew off of me.

"I was with Snow for the night." I came out.

"Oh, were you now?" smirked Kier, elbowing my arm.

"Not like that, there was a blizzard yesterday and obviously another one now, so Snow took me back to hers to shelter as I was too far from home." I explained.

"Guys, it's snowing like a mother fucker out- Laurence!" cut off Luke, coming out of the kitchen and spotting me.

"Well, at least your back home and safe. We're about to have lunch as Luke has been preparing, joining us?" asked Shane.

"Oh my lord, I smell roast ham!" cried out Drew, letting go of me and skipping to the kitchen. Shane rolled his eyes at him.

"Uh, no thanks guys, I already ate at Snow's and I need to get out of these wet clothes." I said, brushing the snow from my forearms. Shane nodded and then walked towards the kitchen along with Kier and Luke. I looked out the window to see a huge blizzard again. It started to make me wonder. Why did this happen when only I saw Snow? And where did it come from? Whenever Snow was crying, there was a blizzard. And that's when I suddenly stopped and it hit me. I spun around and ran towards the stairs, heading to the library. I pushed open the doors to the library and saw the book I had left next to my chair. I ran down towards it and picked it up where I had left it, on the exact page to do with blizzards in the summer. I read again that it can be caused by a person, a person who is sad and is crying. There was only a blizzard when I saw Snow and she got upset and cried. Snow had these powers, she was the cause of this winter, which was actually caused by her 'dad', Cardinal Deäff. If this blizzard carries on, people will start to get curious and go searching for the source. I need to get Snow away from Grandomina, so she won't be sad anymore. No more sadness, no more pain. But when could I do this? And where could I take her? Willow Whisp Valley. Yes! That is where I will take Snow, her happy place. I needed to look up about this place, knowing of the location. I went to the geographical shelves of the library and scanned the shelves like mad. I finally spotted a book, which I had never seen before, titled 'The History Of Willow Whisp Valley'. I grabbed the book and yanked it out of the shelves, almost knocking every other book off. I took the book over to my chair and and rested my weight. I opened the book quickly, almost tearing the pages and then sunk my eyes into the words, learning about Willow Whisp Valley.

By the time I had finishing reading, the whole house was quiet. I knew everyone was in bed since I couldn't hear Drew's little feet running around and everyone else moaning at him. I then glanced up at the clock and saw it was eleven at night. I slammed the book shut and yawned. Tomorrow I will tell Snow, confront her of the information I know and then suggest for her to run away with me.

I woke up a lot earlier than usual, in fact everyone else was still asleep. I freshened up myself and made the decision to go to her cottage, hoping Cardinal Deäff wouldn't be there. But first, I'll surprise her with some flowers, so the best place to go to get them would be Elderflower Meadows. I was pretty chirpy and excited to see Snow again, I just wanted to take all her pain away and even bring it on myself if I had to, but I had to know who she really is first. I tip toed quietly past the guys rooms and made my way down the stairs, trying not to get too excited over a small situation. Who am I kidding, it was a huge situation for me! I quickly skipped across the hall and towards the front door. I exited my home and closed the door, trying not to be too loud.

A short walk to Elderflower Meadows, I was straight away within the grass, picking the most colourful and vibrant flowers. Half way through picking them, I looked up quick and saw hair blowing on the breeze, white hair, not far from me. Of course my first thought was Snow, so I decided to approach. As I got closer, I could see it was a girl and they were wearing a long white cloak.

"Snow?" I questioned, knowing it was her. She turned her head back slightly to see me, but her facial expression made my smile crumble away. "Are you alright?" I asked, parking myself down on the right hand side of her. She stared out far into the meadow, at the sunrise.

"I'm fine." she said quietly and bluntly. I leaned my head further towards her, trying to get a full view of her face. She spotted me and turned her head to face me. Sadness had taken over her entire face and what really made my heart drop was seeing a thick, blue and purple ring around her left eye, swollen slightly.

"Snow, what the hell happened?!" I asked, turning my body more in front of her.

"Dad...yesterday...he just, he saw you hadn't left and he...he..." blurted out Snow, becoming teary eyed.

"Stop!" I suddenly exclaimed. Snow looked straight up at me. "Please don't cry." I said, trying not to sound mean. She looked at me slightly confused. "Snow, I think I figured you out." I admitted, not looking at her.

"W-what do you mean?" she said quietly.

"Whenever you cry, the snow falls. Your hair is naturally as white as snow, your skin," I started, grabbing her delicate hand. "is always as cold as ice. You healed yourself with cold air, from your mouth. Your tears turn icy when tears are usually warm. You've caused these unexplainable blizzards and I just want to know how and what you are." I finally spilled out. Snow sat there staring at me with her lips slightly parted. She then sighed and let her head drop down.

"You figured me out. It is my fault these blizzards keep happening. I've had these 'powers' since I was born I guess. I was born with naturally white hair and cold skin. I don't understand it myself but it's who I am." she admitted, shamefully. I placed my hand into hers.

"I think you deserve your freedom." I smiled at her. She looked at me confused. "I'm going to take you to Willow Whisp Valley." I smiled again, Immediately I saw Snow's eyes light up.

"Really?!" she cried.

"Yes!" I laughed. "I looked up the place in a book and read all about it, it's such a lively, colourful place. It'll be perfect for you Snow. It'll fit our bubbly charterer." Snow let her smiley bar on show and then jumped up.

"Dad is going out midday, I can pack a few things then and we could head off?" suggested Snow, getting over excited. This was the first time I ever heard Snow's voice properly, no whispering or toned down, just her high pitch, cute, little voice. I also had never seen her so happy in my life.

"As long as you won't get caught during leaving, I don't want you getting hurt again, Snow." I said, seriously. Snow rose to her feet, as did I. She leaned in closer to me and then stood on her tip toes. She quickly kissed my cheek, just a peck, and then lifted the good if her clock over her head.

"Thank you so much and I promise I won't. I'll meet you outside the forest, midday." she smiled. I stood there and started at her for a few seconds, not believing that she just kissed me, well my cheek but still. I was so speechless, that I couldn't even say bye to her, I just stood there and watched her quickly rush through the meadow, making her way home. I smiled to myself, like and idiot, and then went to rub my cheek but realised I had flowers in my hand. Shit! Forgot to give them to Snow. There's always midday, midday will be the best moment of Snow's life so far.

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