Riots Leading To Fires

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Snow and myself stumbled back into the car. She was still in shock and had a confused stare at nothing. We were both in silence on the journey home, it was too much for Snow to take in to even start a normal conversation or bring up the subject. Two hours of silent driving killed me and Snow looked uncomfortable too. I didn't care that she was called Millie, she would always be Snow to me and I think she preferred being called Snow as well. Everything about Snow was slowly starting to piece together. She lived in Willow Whisp Valley when she was only young, something terrible must of happened and her parents died so the Cardinal adopted her and named her Snow. But that still doesn't explain what happened in Willow Whisp Valley or why Snow has these powers?

After another painfully long two hours home in silence, I pulled up in the driveway to my home, expecting that about now one of the other guys would be preparing dinner. I helped Snow out of the car and we walked over to the porch. Just as I was about to open the door, Snow froze to a holt just behind me. I turned to face her and saw her expression go blank and her eyes widened to stare. Her body started shaking and she had heavy breathing. I shuffled to her side and grabbed her ice cold hand.

"Snow! What's going on? Are you alright?" I panicked. She suddenly let out a huge breath and her knees gave way; she dropped to the floor . "Snow!" I cried as I went down with her. She suddenly snapped out it and threw herself back. I caught her in my free arm as she tried to catch her breath. "Snow, are you alright?" I asked again, confused and worried.

"I...I...I just had a flashback..." she said under her breath.

"What was it about?" I asked, trying to calm her. She sat up from me and looked straight at me. I watched a tear fall from her black eye and then I knew it was serious. I squeezed her hand tighter for comfort.

"I know what happened to Willow Whisp Valley...and my parents." she spoke, having that quiet voice returning. "There was a huge riot going through the town. Everyone had torch flames and pitchforks...setting fire to the town. My parents...they tried to protect me, keep me safe from the riots and fire. But they couldn't protect themselves, as one bullet went through her head and another through his heart. Dead. Both of them. I was left alone to hide whilst the riots continued, but when they finished, ash from the dying fires flew around me. The town was abandoned, I was the only one there, at two years old. Then I saw him, walking towards me. I froze, unsure of what to do until I sort of recognized him. A man with a gun coming my way. He picked me up and comforted me, brushing the ash off of me. Then I was gone, my life continued there...with dad." she whispered out, having her quiet, shy voice return. I couldn't believe it. Snow's parents were shot in riots, that explains why the ash continued to fall from the sky. The burnt crisp was still covering the buildings, letting ash fly off of them.

"Snow, I can't...I don't know...I just..." I struggled. She turned to face me with more tears flying down her face. 

"I need to sleep." she whispered with a dead expression. I nodded at her and then picked her up, princess-style and carried her into the house and up towards my bedroom.

Later on, as I let Snow sleep in my bed, I was sat down in the kitchen with the boys after we had dinner.

"So Snow had a flashback of her whole life or just the past?" asked Shane, sipping on coffee.

"Just her past, I didn't know there were riot fires, you told me they packed up and left?" I spoke. 

"I thought they did! I didn't know about the riot fires, I thought it just got abandoned!" defended Shane. 

"So does she liked to be called Millie or just Snow still?" asked Luke.

"I think she prefers Snow." I answered.

"She suits Snow a lot more, she's still really hot as well!" added Kier. I scowled at him and elbowed him, making him spill his rum all over Drew next to him.

"God dammit." said Drew effortlessly and disappointingly. 

"I want to know who killed her parents and how she has these 'snow powers'." started Shane.

"That's the only thing I need to find out about too. Those are the only things that don't make sense to me." I said, properly thinking about it now. I got out of my seat and went to leave the kitchen.

"Where you going now?" asked Luke.

"He's going to go make out with Snow before I do!" teased Kier. I rolled my eyes at him and exited the kitchen, making my way towards the bottom of the stairs. I walked myself up them and travelled to my bedroom. I knew she would be asleep, but I wanted to check on her. I opened the door and let myself in. Snow suddenly sat herself up in bed with me not knowing she was naked, for the sheets which were covering her breasts, to fall and reveal to me. 

"Oh my god!" I cried as I covered my eyes out of respect. "I'm so sorry Snow, I thought you were sleeping!" 

"I was almost, until you walked in and it scared me a little. I wasn't expecting it." I heard her say, still in a quiet voice."I'm covered, it's okay." she added. I removed my hands off of my eyes to see her sat up in bed and holding the sheets up to herself.

"Ah good...I don't mean that in a bad way! Like, you're not pretty or theyre not nice or anything I mean, I just-"

"Laurence, it's fine." she cut me off, laughing. I went slightly red, as I had just seen the girl I was in love with, naked.

"I just, uh, wanted to see if you were alright." I said, awkwardly. Snow said nothing but let a small smile break, showing off her smiley bar. She budged herself to her left of my bed and patted the space next to her as a signal for me to come and join her. I swallowed slightly, closed the door behind me and made my way over to her. I sat my weight down next to her, fully dress as she was naked. She suddenly leaned in closer to me and put her body on me, wrapping her arms around my arm and placing her head on my shoulder. I found it quiet relaxing and then my heart started racing when her face came up closer to mine and she placed one of her hands on my cheek. 

"Laurence," she started. I looked down to her slightly to see that she was inches away from my face. "Kiss me." she said even quieter. My heart skipped a beat as she spoke those words to me. I hesitated for just a second, but only a second and thren slowly lowered my head down to hers until our lips met. I felt her ice cold lips embrace with mine, feeling the compassion. As my eyes stayed shut, I felt her finger tips running up my chest towards the top button of my shirt. One pop and a button was undone, followed by another and another and another until my shirt was undone. Next thing I know, my shirt is off and and my tousers were coming down. I had a strange but amazing feeling in my stomach. Were me and Snow about to make love? I opened my eyes to find myself completely naked and under the sheets with Snow, also completely naked. Snow laid down on her back and I lifted myself above her.

"I love you." she whispered to me.

"I love you too." I whispered back to her. And with those words myself and Snow then embraced the night together.

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