Innocent Act

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Snow had pretty much spent the entire day with us and she was more comfortable with us, she still had that little bit of shyness which made her talk quiet, but at least she could talk to us without being scared or flinching away. Snow's favourite thing to do was mainly draw on the windows with her breath or hum a lot. I think she just wanted to sing out loud, but was afraid to. We sat together down stairs in a dome shaped conservatory we had built onto the side of the house. The floor was filled with cushions and around the edge of the conservatory glass was a bench which bent all the way around so you can sit and stare out of the dome. The whole dome was just glass which was why I found it perfect for Snow to come down here and continue with her window drawings. The odd thing that got me fantasied about her drawings, is that they wouldn't fade. Usually your breath clears off of the glass within a couple of seconds but Snow's didn't. It was like they have been permanently stuck there. She mainly drew things to do with summer. Like the sun, flowers, the beach, picnic baskets and all sorts. And every now and then she would draw sad faces and snowflakes and I couldn't quite figure out what was going through Snow's mind. The doorbell suddenly rang which made myself and Snow jump.

"I'll get it!" cried Drew running out of the kitchen with his arm in the air and the breeze from running pulling his fringe back. I helped Snow off the bench and walked over to the front door with her to join Drew. Drew opened the door to find a man standing before him. He wore a white shirt with black blazer and jacket and small hat. He had his head down. "How may I help you?" asked Drew. The man looked up at Drew to reveal his face. He had a black and grey beard, not too long and a chubby face with a scar across his cheek. I recognised him for some reason, but not sure where from. As soon as we saw his face, I heard Snow gasp. I wasn't sure if it was a gasp of shock or a gasp of fear.

"Yes, I have been looking for my daughter. She has white hair and pale skin, her name is Snow Ivory." said the man in a husky voice, but sounding friendly.

"Ah, we've got her right here!" said Drew, leaning back and grabbing Snow from behind me. I watched fear drop over her face as she got shoved forward. "Found her in the cold last night and brought her in for the night, she was safe." smiled Drew. Snow had the same look on her face she had when she first saw me. I didn't know what do to or what was happening.

"Ah daughter dear!" said the man out stretching his arms. Snow leaned back a little bit, desperate for him not to touch her. But Drew pushed her forward into his arms. "Aw I've missed you baby girl." said the man. He squeezed Snow really tight and I heard her gasp. He released her and then held onto her wrist. I could tell the grasp was tight.

"Aw look at that, now your safe back with your dad." smiled Drew as he ruffled Snow's hair. She shook her head in fear and stared at me helplessly.

"Well thank you gentlemen, I am eternally grateful for your help, we'll be off now, farewell." finished the man as he turned away. Snow had gained the expression of fear back onto her face as the man dragged her away. Drew waved at them and then closed the door. He noticed I had a confused and saddened expression.

"Hey, don't worry Lozzie, you'll probably see her soon!" smiled Drew as he patted my shoulder and then walked away. I walked over to the window by the door and watched them exit our path and walk towards a black carriage the man had parked. But then I watched something I was not expecting and didn't want to see. The man swung open the carriage door, picked Snow up by her hair and carelessly threw her in the carriage. He then slammed the door shut and locked it and then climbed on top of the seat and whipped the horses to get moving. I watched all of that happen in horror. Now I understood why Snow was pulling a face of fear. He wasn't as nice as he acted on the door step, he played the innocent card with us and we just let him take Snow like that. I stepped away from the window and quickly tugged the front door open. I only got as far as the porch before the carriage was already gone. I just missed them.

"What's up Laurence?" asked a voice, which I knew was Shane without turning around.

"Nothing." I lied, quietly. I didn't want to make a huge fuss out of it towards the guys, even though I was very worried about her. She just looked too fragile to be treated like that.

"Alright buddy, Luke is preparing dinner for us." finished Shane as I heard his boots tap on the porch, away from me. I stared out into the street one more time and then turned back to the house, worried about Snow.

After dinner, everyone went off and did their own separate things and I made my way up to the library. The library was the biggest room in the house, the walls were just shelves filled with thousands of books. You could find a book on anything you wanted here, another gift from the King. I pushed open the two wooden doors and came out upon the balcony of the library, looking down to the main floor of the library. I walked down the left hand side of the steel stairs, holding onto the banister and feeling the coldness of the steel. The cold just reminded me of Snow again, her ice skin. I reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped onto the wooden floor. I searched around me, having a choice of a thousand to read. I selected a shelf at random and scanned the books, seeing if any of the covers would catch my eyes. One did. My fingers run across a ice blue coloured book with the title 'The Secrets and Mysteries of Winter", it caught my attention. I pulled it out of the shelf and held it in my hands. Blowing dust off of it, a picture of a winter scene was the front cover. I walked over to an empty seat near the library fireplace and say my weight down. The book rested on my lap as I opened it.

I read the book for an hour or so, learning loads of new things until the next chapter brought me to full attention. 'Explanation Of Blizzards In The Summer'. I leaned in closer to the book, interested in what this had in store. 'There is an urban legend that unexpected and unknown blizzards in the middle of summer or in hot locations can be caused by a person. A person being upset deeply at that time. A person who has the power within to control such a powerful weather change.' I read. Caused by a person? How was that possible? I started to wonder. Who was the person who caused that then? And how did I disappear in the morning without a trace? Too many questions with little answers. I turned my head and looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. Had I really been reading for that long? The guys would all be in bed by now. I folded the corner of the page to keep my place and closed the book. Instead of putting the book back, I placed it down on a small table next to myself and then lifted my weight off the chair. I stretched, clicking my back, then retreated back up the stairs of the library, closing the doors behind me and then going to my bedroom with Snow still on my mind.

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