Chapter Four: Meeting the Friends

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"Hello, [   ]." some Hannibal Lecter wannabe greeted me as I blearily woke up. It was a dark room as I couldn't focus on anything else but trying to pinpoint where the voice had come from. Wow so unoriginal and how typical of them to keep me in the dark. Haha good one, [     ]. Thank you, [    ].

I shifted about as I felt rather numb in my legs. It was then that I realized I was chained to a wall. The coldness of what felt to be a finger running down my spine caused panic before I realized that it was just me and my cold sweats.

"Who the fuck are you and where in the fuck am I?" I called out.

"Whoa. Calm the shit down, you crazy bi-" he cut himself off, "Don't freak out too much. I only wanted to meet the chick my buddy has befriended."

"Who are you and who's your friend?" I questioned in a much calmer tone.

"I've got no name."

"Wh-atever. I'm I'm Toby!" another voice piped up.

A small and dim ceiling light was turned on, so it partially blinded me. The first guy who spoke wore a yellow hoodie to where I couldn't see his face, I couldn't make much else out of him. The other one held a much nicer and peppier atmosphere to him. He was wearing some kind of jacket too, but that's all I could make out. We were in some sort of room without the luxury of a window.

As I squinted at them, I decided to close my eyes, "Cut the crap you two. Who's your friend and what's his deal? Y'all some kind of gang or did somebody owe you money?"

They both snickered at me and responded with "No". I was getting increasingly frustrated with the vagueness that I kinda just gave up. It was silent for a while before it finally hit me.

"Are you the guy who cornered me in that alleyway that one time?"

The answer was "No" once again as they shook their heads. After a while, the hooded guy grilled me with questions about my knowledge and how much I know about this world. He kept emphasizing on their world and how it was difficult for people to really open those kinds of gates. I gave up once again and focused on opening my eyes and getting used to the light.

"Who's your friend? How do you know about me?" I asked in a pleading tone. They looked at each other and stared at me.

"Mask. He's been talking nonstop about you, [ ]. We just wanted to freak you out to get to know you, sorry. No harm, no foul, right?"

I rolled my eyes and guffawed with such animosity... if he were to unhook me, he'd get a fist to the jaw.

"Hey Toby, Hood! I got lunch!" a very familiar voice called out.

"U-upstai-irs!" Toby called down. Okay. We were in some type of attic then. When the door opened, Masky was dumbfounded at the sight before him as he kept ogling at me chained up.

"Were you having a threesome? If so, can I join?" Masky laughed.

"Just get me down!" I screamed and stomped my feet.

"All right, all right." Hoodie sounded annoyed. Wow, he kidnaps me and has the audacity to be annoyed?! God, what a piece of shit.

I successfully got revenge on him and punched him in the jaw before getting acquainted with Toby.

"Mask, this is that "[ ]" chick you kept talking about, right?" I overheard Hoodie whisper to Masky.

"Oh. No duh, Hood." Masky sarcastically smacked Hoodie behind the head.

These guys seemed like good friends, so I felt like I could trust them. All was silent for a while before Toby asked about food.

"Downstairs." Masky jabbed his thumb down a hallway that crossed with the staircase transcending downward.

"There's still something left unanswered for me, you guys. Where the hell are we?"

Masky and Hoodie turned to me, "Welcome to our headquarters!" they exclaimed and added jazz hands as if they had given away a huge surprise. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

These weirdos were now my friends. What in the name of hell did I fall into when I arrived here? I didn't plan on any of this and expected a shit storm in high school, constant fights, and possibly expulsion. No, I gained a weird friend with even weirder friends. They're probably some kind of vigilante gang with their jackets, hoods, and stuff. I'll figure it out some day, but today's not that day.

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