Chapter Thirteen: Fear

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Fear took over me once again. I was shaking uncontrollably. I think I heard Clockwork and Masky calling for me, but I could just be hearing things... My limbs felt numb as I collapsed under my own weight. The ground was cold, covered in snow, and as I fell. The ground became an endless abyss of darkness.

I was being dragged in my deepest fears, all because of that monster known as Zalgo.

I checked my pockets. My holy water, my small bible, where were they? I know that I had put them in my pocket, where were they now? Where was I?

Am I destined to just let the monster eat me? Where was my calm side to keep me sane? Is sanity the thing to keep us in line? But what exactly is sanity?!

How about a little wager, [ ]?

(What type of wager?!)

Simple. If you find and kill me within the week. I will obviously spare you, and I leave you alone.

(And if I lose?)

That's simple too. You pay for it with your life. I will take down all your friends, your family, all those you care about.

(That's not fair. It seems to me that you know where I am, yet I don't know where you are.)

I'll allow one hint, this is truly giving you the answer. In a building on the far edge of town, there is an old mill. Find it; you will find me.

(How do I know this is not some trick?)

I may not be trustworthy, [ ], but neither are you. You're just as shady as me. Don't act like a saint, [ ].

(This is bullshit. You should have just left me alone entirely.)

Oh, I can't do that, [ ]. We both know I can't.

(Lies, you asshole!)

End of the week, [ ]! That's all the time I'm giving you. No more than that! Oh and yes. I loved the feel of your fathers flesh slide down my animal throat. Plus, Helen gave me a very good tip on where you are. Keep an eye out...

I woke up in the hotel with Sally watching over me.

"Stay down. You still feel very warm. Did you catch a fever?" she asked me. I shrugged slightly and shook my head.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked her.

"You've been asleep for four hours." she said. I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was already 7:18.

"Where is everyone then?" I asked after a few long minutes of silence.

"Most are still searching, but they're almost home, so don't worry." she said, holding my hand, "So I heard you really love Masky, huh?"

Just as I was about to answer, the door to the room swung open violently.

"We're home!" Ben announced obnoxiously as everyone entered the room. I rolled my eyes and clutched my head. "Are you alright?"Masky asked, running to aid me. I didn't answer him.

I wobbly stood up to my feet, opened the door from Slenderman's room, and walked to my room. I felt inside my pocket. The holy water and bible were in there. I continued to walk till I got to my room: 205. I slid my card through the slot, walked into my room, and slammed the door. I turned on all the lights, fearing the darkness of the cold again.

Isn't it such a weird word?


Lulu, Clockwork, Jane, and I shared the motel room. Lulu came running in right after me.

"Are you okay, [ ]?" she asked me, a bit fearful. I sighed and turned to look at her.

"Not sure... Just feeling slightly sick. I'll be fine in a few." I responded, but even I was uncertain. I was absolutely mortified.

"All right, then! Be sure to come over for dinner! We're having soup!" her voice was high and bubbly. I smiled at that. The air around me quickly dissipated into a chill.

Who is the traitor, though?

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