Chapter Seven: STOP!!!

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Entry 1 Day 3:

Today, Luna wouldn't stop crying. She continued to howl through my 1st and 2nd classes. Having to deal with a screaming child is difficult. I don't ever plan to have sex at a young age! Why put me though this torture?! Precaution, you say?! If so, you're doing a really frickin' good job with this.

I closed my diary entry and stared at the silent doll. Oh, now you're quiet, you little demon. Mom had just come walking in, looking at me staring at the baby.

"No. I'm not becoming a grandmother anytime soon." she laughed. I chuckled slightly and she held out a pamphlet that looked like it was from the Bahamas.

"Ethan wants me to go with him. What do you think? Can you manage by yourself? I want to take you with me, but I'm afraid it's going to be hard with you. I don't want any bickering between the two of you." Mom divulged her worry about the thought of taking me with them.

I just smiled up at her.

"Go. You need a vacation."

She smiled and said, "I'll have to leave this Friday. We'll be gone all next week."

I gave my mom a hug, "I'll be fine on my own. I'll have Flan over, if anything."

"All right. You know the drill though. No boys, no parties, no drinking; stuff you already wouldn't do. Stick with that and you'll be fine." Mom laughed. I had to crack a smile, oh if you only had a clue.

"Well, better start packing for Friday." Mom said and I let her go. Today's Wednesday, they leave Friday. No biggie; I'm a responsible person... I think.

I headed out of the house for a while. My mom wanted time with the doll and I handed it to her without asking questions. She had a motherly touch and I was sure she wouldn't jeopardize my grade by dropping the doll as she had done so to me once... okay; twice.

"Masky!" I shouted out into the forest. No voices were heard calling back, so I called again. No answer. I wandered deeper into the forest as I called out his name. In all honesty, it was eerie. The dork was usually out there within a short distance of the house, so it was really surprising to not see him around.

I kept walking until I came across a large house. The house would have looked much more beautiful in its day. Now, it seems lost in time to allow such a beautiful building to decay and wither away.

I pouted and fought with myself about the possible dangers that could lay ahead or the sights I would get to see. To hell with my fears, I decided to look at around. It was getting darker, but I couldn't surpass the opportunity to search around this old house for a ghost or maybe taking an antique or something.

Upon opening the door, a chilly atmosphere arose. No ghosts, but lots of blood surrounding the walls. In one area, I noticed disassembled animal parts thrown around.

"Okay, maybe this was a bad idea." I whispered to myself as I pinched my nose. I decided to continue on through to explore the house. I came across a door and opened it. It had game consoles, electronics, and a computer.

"That's really frickin' odd." I whispered to myself as I moved the mouse. The monitor came on as some "Ben" file showed up. I turned off the monitor to continue about so it looked like no one was around. Maybe I was on someone's set?

I exited that room, and continued around the house. In one room, it looked like a little girls. I turned around to see a little girl, bloody, with a pink dress, and someone behind her with a blue mask.

I screamed so loud and fell to my knees with tears streaming down my face. I was terrified of what I'd read on the Creepypasta wiki, and here they were, in front of me... Sally and Eyeless Jack. Wait, how could I have possibly known what these two "people" are? Wait-

I gave myself a headache with the amount of screaming my lungs managed to expell.

"[ ]?!" I overheard a familiar voice call out my name. I looked up to see Hood. For once, I was more than terrified. Managing to get up like a newborn fawn, I caught a window out of the corner of my eye and vaulted out with a burst of adrenaline. I ran to my house without a glance back, fearing for my life. I then bumped into a warm body and looked up to see Masky with his mask as I ran.

"Stop!" I screamed and ran, crying. The distance between us was diminishing because he began chasing me. I thought I was safe and had lost him, but failed my attempt to run as his hand caught mine from behind a tree. I struggled to let him free me. He pulled me down to the ground, and held me there in his embrace as I cried, mortified.

"[ ], I'm going to need you to calm down and tell me what happened." he whispered. I refused to face him as many memories began to set in. I continued to cry as he placed his mouth near my neck. My hands covered my face as I cried, he then removed them and pressed me to his chest.

"Stop!" I cried, but he wouldn't budge.

"Calm down, please. You're freaking me out. What happened?" he asked in a calm, hushed voice. I stopped crying and sniffled a little before answering him.

"Why didn't you tell me I was in love with a killer? Your profession bothers me quite a bit and don't like that you lied to me, well..." I paused and then continued, "I don't like how you didn't tell me what what you were."

"I'm sorry. I'll stop keeping secrets and be more honest." he whispered and kissed my head.

I'd woken up to the sound of rain. Looking to my left, Luna was in her makeshift crib; "asleep". My eyes searched for the clock and I caught it's glowing red light. It was only 13 minutes to four in the morning. I glanced around at everything in my room, and at the slightest movement, I realized there was a figure sitting on my desk chair.

Quietly, I removed my frying pan from under my pillow to beat the living hell out of the intruder. I gracefully landed on my feet after undoing the covers from my torso. With the pounding rain outside, it covered my footsteps. I was about to slam the pan over the head of the person, but as I was about to, the head snapped with ungodly speed and bit my face off.

An ear-piercing shriek that could rival a banshee's was emitted from my very throat as I bolted up. Mom, Ethan, and Masky were there in the white room with me.

"Where am I?!" I screamed and frantically began to sit up. Doctors and nurses busted into the room, as they pulled me down.

"Miss [ ]! Calm down!" a nurse yelled over my wails to be freed.

"Calm down, [ ]!" I overheard Masky call out to me. My attempts to be freed were weakened so the doctors could check on my stability.

"What happened?" I asked with a shuddered breath. Mom sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Your friend Timothy was so sweet. He brought you home. It was dark and he noticed your unconscious position out in the forest. Something had knocked you out and during this whole ordeal, you looked like you were having one hell of a nightmare." Mom explained as she rubbed my arm.

I looked around the room, not bothering to look at their expressions. I found the window and realized it was raining. My heart began beating faster and faster and I thought it was going to explode.

I screamed, "Stop!" at the dark window, but I don't even know what for.

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