Chapter Nine: Warning

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"Hurry, [ ], we have to run faster." Masky urged, pulling on my arm as he practically dragged me deeper into the woods.

"Why?" I asked in a whiny tone. I was anxious as hell suddenly. It's like everything had eyes on us- me specifically.

"Just trust me, please?" he begged and slowed his speed so that I could catch up.

"Fine, let's hurry it up." I muttered out of breath.

We'd run so far, so fast, and in a direction that gave me such an unsettling stomachache. We arrived at the decaying, white mansion again.

"I need to take you to see my boss." he said, looking very worried as he led me in. I hesitated and yanked my hand away. I shook my head, visibly upset that he wanted me to actually go inside.

He frowned and looked into my eyes, "Trust me. I swear I wouldn't ever allow anything to get to you. I love you and you know that. If you were in danger, I'd find solutions to get you out of them; this is one of those situations, [ ]."

I gave in and clung to him like a child.

"Slenderman! Slenderman!" Masky called out, "She has seen Zalgo, Sir. This is serious. He is after her as well!"

Amongst Masky's voice echoing along the walls, I heard a static. Suddenly there was a voice in my head. This was how Slenderman communicated, huh? Totally freaky...

"Is this true?" Slenderman asked me. I nodded, unsure of how to truly answer to that.

"This truly is a predicament. I'll see to it that something is done as quick as possible." Slenderman said, to himself, seemingly.

Masky walked me home in silence.

"He'll do something about it. Just great." I muttered bitterly and kicked a branch.

"He will, [ ]. Just give us some time." Masky said. I was pretty pissed off. How was I to allow that when my life was on the line? This thing could attack me at any moment and I'm supposed to allow them to use me as bait?!

When we got to my house, he pulled out a small prescription bottle, and asked for a water bottle. I directed him to the case in the kitchen and he took his meds or whatever. I walked over to the staircase and subconsciously shook my head. I was still upset, but what else was I to think or feel?

"There's Criminal Minds marathon, you wanna watch?" I asked Masky as I jabbed my thumb up to my room. I left the TV channel on Ion Television.

He looked at me, and shrugged, "Sure."

We watched episode after episode for hours straight. I didn't realize it was already midnight, but I decided it was best for me to take my shower now. I stood up and began looking for something to change into.

"I'm going to take a shower." I called from down the hall.

"Okay!" Masky shouted back as his eyes were glued on the TV.

By the time I turned off the water, the humidity was oddly suffocating. I wrapped my towel around my body and got that familiar feeling of anxiety. When I couldn't take it anymore, I placed my hand on the doorknob, but before I could do so, the mirror next to me showed the exact replica of the menacing monster that haunted my every movement.

He laughed, "Go ahead. But before you go, I will always be around to make your worst nightmares come alive before your very eyes...."

I screamed and ran to my room, slamming the bathroom door behind me. I curled into a ball, thinking about ways I could potentially get rid of it.

"I-I could go to a priest. I can have them do an exorcism. I can be reborn as a nun or I could become something devoted to the Holy." I began murmuring and tugging at my hair.

"Hey! [ ]! Whats up? You just screamed, and you ran." Masky whispered as I whimpered in fear. A steady rain pelt down on the house, causing an eerie shine on the window. I shut my eyes and he hugged me from behind, holding me close. I managed my breathing and calmed myself, stopping the crying altogether.

"We need to face that demon." I whispered, "He appeared in the mirror and I could actually see him. He spoke to me."

Masky stared at me in disbelief, "What did he say?"

"That he'll make every nightmare I've ever had come true." I whimpered.

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