Chapter Fifteen: Who Is the Liar?

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We all met up in Slenderman's room the next morning. Everyone was talkative and others were making jokes. The atmosphere was rather lively for such a grave situation.

"I have a very important announcement to tell you all. Yesterday, I neglected you share precious information, because I didn't have the heart to tell you all, but today, I think I'm strong enough," I began, "I'm pretty sure it was Zalgo who told me this; he said he was at an abandoned mill on the far edge of town. We only have the rest of January, though. I think we can do this if he gave us a major hint!" I spoke excitedly.

"Wait, how do we know that this isn't a trap?" Lulu asked. I frowned.

"Even if it is, I think I have an idea. If we research each abandoned location by splitting up again, we can narrow them down and then strike when there's a chance for all of us to regroup." I beamed. The group seemed to be a bit hesitant to agree with my plan.

Jeff raised his hand in mock seriousness, "Question, here."

"Yes?" I inquired, full of expectation.

"Hypothetically, what if we do find Zalgo, and it does turn out to be a trap like Lulu said?" he asked.

I wasn't fully prepared for that and probably seemed beyond naïve, "He'd have to leave a clue on purpose to lure us to him."

"Fair enough, seems legit. I say we just head out!" Ben shouted at us.

The group slowly rose to their feet and I grimaced at the words swarming around in my head.

"Not so fast, I didn't get to finish." I said and everyone groaned, "Zalgo... Zalgo told me that one of you was a traitor to us. If either of you know something, speak now, please. Who's deceiving us from right under our noses? Who here is the liar?"

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I refused to believe it as they'd become such great friends and allies to me. It was such a dark twist to imagine the outcome. I didn't want to accuse any of my friends because then it would cause turmoil I didn't want to deal with. Smoking them out was too difficult as I was at a bit of a disadvantage when it came down to grilling them. Either way, the group was just as confused as me.

"P-please. Just tell me." I shuddered as soon as the tears rolled down my cheeks, "Just tell me here and now. I don't want to be accusatory or to even believe for a second that our enemy is telling the truth, but I figured honesty between us could set my heart at ease."

My tears stopped as someone started laughing like a madman.

All heads turned to the owner of the voice.

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