"In California with my toes in the sand," he hummed, his body slowly swaying. I emerged from the corner I was hiding behind and smiled.
"Use the sleeves of my sweater," I sung. He turned around, a smirk playing on his lips. He approached me, intertw...
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The whole game, I could feel Alana burning into my head each time Jackson did something even remotely involved with winning. I tried to brush it off but all I could do was yell, sit and slip my slushy.
And how could I forget, clutching onto the jacket Jackson had given me. I held it in my palms in pride whenever Jackson got the ball or made a touchdown. Seeing Alana grit her teeth whenever I did made my night, sadistic as it is.
Despite being ahead of the opposing team, everyone was on edge when in came down to the last minute. East Florida High was one of our main rivals - everyone knew that, even those who attended other schools. But they could never hold a candle to the grit of our players, even if Dylan was on the team.
I kept my gaze on my slushy for majority of the game. Football is a risky sport, and I couldn't bare to see anyone get injured. If I was feeling adventurous, I'd even look at the timer!
"Sierra!" Faith cheered. I jumped out of my seat, spilling my slushy all over my outfit in the process. My best friend didn't care to stifle her laughter. "My god, consider yourself slushed!"
I wiped the sticky substance off my shirt, and unfortunately, Jackson's jacket. The hair that ran down my shoulder in spurting curls were now sticking onto my clothing in linear strands. I let out a groan as the people in the bleachers remain unfazed and focused on cheering.
"Jesus," I muttered. "I'll be right back," I jogged down the steps of the bleachers in a series of mumbled 'excuse me' and 'don't ask'. As I jumped off the final step, the players from West High had been released from the field.
I froze in place like a deer in headlights. The boys stampeded down the concrete, basking in their winning glory. They rushed past me and left me dazed in the same spot I stood in.
"You look slushed," a voice spoke out from behind me. I turned around and smiled at the sight of the blonde boy. "Get it - flushed? Slushed?"
I snorted, "better than Faiths joke. Sorry about your," I motioned towards the jacket that stuck to my shirt. His laughter echoed through the vacant halls.
"It's practically yours now," he winked. I grinned and pulled it closer to me. "Has Faith told you about the party? I want you to be my date."
My heart fluttered at his last words, "I wouldn't be anyone else's date, that's for sure. Now go shower, you smell like impending doom."
"Literally, you're the only person who would say someone smells like impending doom," he snorted. "But just cause you demanded." Jackson saluted me and disappeared into the boys locker room.
I turned the corner, back to the field with a stupid grin on my face. The boy made me forget that I had slushy all over me and it was half of our conversation!
Alana was leaning against the wall with Faith, scrolling through their phones in silence. I laughed at the sight and jumped in between them, "you guys looked way bored. Thought I, the slushy queen, should be here to slush things up!"