Chapter 1

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(Raven's POV)

"Tch! Look at that fag over there!" Cartman yelled at me while pointing a middle finger to me. I just give him a dead glare and don't say anything. 

I hate this place.

I hate the people here.

Ever since Kyle left in 5th grade, everything has gone to shit. He just got up and left one day, not even saying one goodbye. I also don't have his number to call him, so that's nice. For a little while, things weren't that bad. Then Kenny dropped out of school to work, then it was just Eric and I. 

Then puberty hit everyone.

Cartman got a bigger ego than ever because he got into shape and did really well at sports. And as much as I hate to admit it, he even got better looking. He was muscle instead of fat. As for me, I just got tall and skinny. Cartman being pretty much a jock didn't cause too much of a problem between us, we actually got pretty close near the end of 5th grade. But it didn't last long.

Just like most boys around that age, we discovered porn. I still remember how jacking to one porn video made my whole life turn to shit. 


I look over to Cartman sleeping on my bedroom floor. It was 2 in the morning, and I had grown a problem. I can't relax. I poke the sleeping brunette a couple times to make sure he was asleep. Not a single reaction. 


I grab my phone and quietly sneak into the bathroom. I lay in the bathtub and pull my pj's down. I pull up incognito mode, put my earbuds in, and look up 'gay porn'. I can feel myself starting to throb seeing the different videos that pop up. I finally click on one that has a hot, muscular man fucking a little twink.

Fuck this is hot.

I start to move my hand up and down my cock, slowly getting faster and faster as the video goes on. I can feel my whole body shaking, I have sweat dripping down my face as I'm reaching closer to my climax. I listen closely to the smacking sounds and the moans. 

The twink is being dominated, I want that to be me one day. I want someone to push my face into the bed while I have my ass being fucked. Then-

"Hey Stan!"

Shit! I forgot to lock the door!!!

I look up from my phone and see Cartman running towards me. I start to panic and try to close out of the tab before he makes it over, but my phone was stolen out of my hand. 

"Haha, stupid Stan, I wasn't actually sleeping! I knew you were going to the bathroom to do this, so I thought I would give you some blue balls!" He says proudly. He can't look at that screen! I jump up while pulling up my pants, which led me to trip at his feet.

"GOD DAMMIT, CARTMAN! GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE!" I scream grasping the air. 

"Jeez calm down. What were you watching? Lesbian? Girls with dildos? Or maybe even-" His face froze in horror, then absolute disgust washed over.  "What the fuck is this shit?" I was still laying on the floor and so I tried to move away from him. Instead, he smashed my head against the floor with his foot.

Ah- it hurts so bad-

"So you're a fucking FAG???" Cartman yelled, but I couldn't answer him. I didn't want to get hurt even more. Eric started to get impatient, so he pressed my head harder into the hard floor. "ANSWER ME NOW, STAN!"

"YES! I like BOYS!" Tears started to flow down my face as I finally admitted it. The brunette sighs and says nothing as he lifted his foot from my face. I waited a few moments before I finally stood up. I look into his brown eyes when he gives me a crooked smile. 

Wait! Why the fuck is he-!!!

Before I knew what was happening, he threw a violent punch to the side of my head. 

W-Why would that?

Feeling dizzy, I started to fall, but Eric wasn't done with me. He grabs me by the back of my raven hair and slams my head into the bathroom sink, and my cracking skull echos in the bathroom. My vision suddenly gets blurred with red.

"ah...Ah...AHHHHHHHHH!!! Why the FUCK would You do That!?!?" I scream while crying. I start freaking out as I reach for my forehead and feel a warm liquid gushing out of the middle of it. He then nails me in the stomach sending me to my knees. 

I can't move... too much pain...

"I. Can't. Believe. I. Was. Friends. With. A. Stupid. Pussy. Fag." He said each word between many hits and kicks.

"Why is there so much noise- Oh My God! Stanley! RANDY!"

I look up at my horrified mother. And not soon after my dad and sister come in.

"What's wrong?" When he saw Cartman still kicking me, rage filled his eyes and he picked him up and threw him against the wall. My dad picks me up in his arms telling me that I was going to be okay, and the last thing I saw before passing out was Shelly beating the crap out of Eric.

----End of Flashback----

After I got out of the hospital, I had a large scar on my forehead that I now cover with my overgrown bangs. When 6th grade started, I thought that maybe now that we are at the high school building that no one would care about one gay kid. 

Oh how I was wrong. 

It was endless torment from everyone.

That's when I decided to hang out with the goth kids again. Everyday was the same: sneak to the back of the school, smoke, drink, cry, repeat. I never went to class, and when I got home I went straight to my room and drank more alcohol and cried. Lucky for me, the school doesn't want to go through the trouble of failing a student that's gay, so I passed my classes. When 7th grade came around, the goth kids just disappeared... 

Just like Kyle.

"AY! I'm talking to you fag!" I take drag of my cigarette and blow a puff of smoke towards Cartman and his buddies that I don't care to know the names of. Since I'm always all alone, I hide somewhere in the school everyday to try to avoid the beatings and the hate. He always finds where I'm hiding tho, today I was in the supply closet.

"Hey, Stan, shouldn't a fag like you be outta the closet?" Eric snickered while giving his buddies fist bumps. I just sigh and stand in front of him. I had a few inches on him so he has to look up at me, which pisses him off. 

"My name isn't Stan," I say while putting out my cigarette on his white band tee. He looks into my blue eyes with crazed, brown eyes. He doesn't hesitate to grab me by my shirt while he prepares his fist. "My name is Raven." I finish saying before the pain hits me.



I really hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Be sure to leave a vote and a comment of what you thought! 

I'll try to post every other day, possibly everyday if I have enough free time.

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