Chapter 13

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(Kyley B)

"Holy shit! It's really you dude!" I ran to Kenny giving him a hug, he hugged back into a tight embrace. 

"Wow, I thought you were never coming back from Jersey, Kyle." I step back from him and correct him.

"It's uh, actually Kyley B," I say while showing him my dog tags. Kenny nods while making an 'O' with his mouth. I took another step back to look at him. He was at least 6 foot tall, and his hair was still a messy, blonde mop. He gave a smile that showed his he gap in his teeth and he had freckles covering his face. He was wearing a white T-shirt that had what looks to be some motor oil, and then for bottoms he had orange sweatpants. 

"Uhm, nice shotgun," Kenny looked at his gun and laughed. 

"Yeah, living in the dumps you never know who will show up," he said looking away bashful. I nodded at him. Suddenly I snap myself out of it.

"RAVEN!" I run over to the limp male and get on my knees. "No, No, NO!" I bring him into my arms and listen to see if he was breathing. 

"Oh fuck dude! Is he breathing??" Kenny asked frantic. I felt my body relax when I felt movement from him. 

"It's faint, but he needs help. Now." Kenny nods quickly.

"I'm living not to far from here," he points to where he has been staying. 

"Then we better hurry the fuck up." I pick Raven up bridal style, not caring that my wrists were dripping blood.




"Alrighty, I stitched him up and he's sleeping in the spare bedroom," Kenny says while walking into the living room of his house. Well, trailer. 

"Dude, how do you even know how to do this stuff?" I ask, Kenny grins and takes a seat next to me on his sofa.

"Well when you've been living on your own for about six years, you just gotta learn these things," He explains while grabbing a beer from the mini fridge next to the couch. "Want one?"

"Sure, thanks," Kenny hands me the beer and I chug it down. "Ahhh~, just what I needed." 

He relaxed into the couch while I stayed sitting up, not knowing what to say. "So you said you live alone?" Kenny looks over to me and then points his nose in the air.

"Yuuuuup! Got kicked out, parents couldn't afford me AND my sister, so I was the ine who had to leave the nest," he said nonchalontly, downing the rest of his beer and then grabbing two more beers for us. I tell him thanks and down this one as well. "Welp!" Kenny grabs my shoulder and pulls into the couch next him. He causally wraps his arm around my shoulder and I choose to ignore it. "Enough about me, what's been going  on with you?" 

I tell Kenny about the reason I moved to Jersey and why we came to South Park. I also explained Cartman and how he was the one who brought us out here and all the things he has done to Raven. "Yeah... I just can't believe how homophobic he is..." I say finally leaning all the way back into the couch. Kenny squeezes his arm around me. 

"Yeahhhhh, my boss pretty much wants to burn the gays, but little does he know," Kenny makes eye contact with me. "I have been fucking his son whenever my boss isn't looking!" He laughs while sticking tongue out pretenting to suck a dick. 

"Haha dude stop," I snicker while pushing him. My smile quickly fades as I look at my empty beer can. Kenny notices massages my shoulder. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. I look at his hand, and you can tell that works a lot. I shake the thought away and tell him what's on my mind. 

"When I found out we were moving back to South Park, I had these high hopes that it was gonna be the four of us again. Just fuckin around and having fun like we used to..." I explain as tears threathen to fall. "But now I'm back and everything is fuckin wrong! I mean for fucks sake! Just look at Stan, he's Raven again but worse than ever before... it's... all my fault..." I couldn't hold the flood of tears back anymore and I had a full breakdown. Kenny, unsure of what to say, pulls me into an embrace. 

God how fucking pathetic am I? I may be gay but I ain't a little bitch. 

"Hey, hey, shhhhhh," he grabs my face and holds it so I'm lookin at him.  I stare back into his light blue eyes, nothing compared to Stans eyes however. Kenny is very serious and says, "What happened has happened. All you can do now is be there for him and try to help him. Do you understand, Kyley B?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. I sniff and nod. "Good." He continues to hold my face, and then he gently wipes any remaining tears. I then start to feel a little awkward, and he must've noticed because he shakes his head and lets go. 

"Sorry, it's just been a long while since I've had company over." He apologizes. 

What? Does he do that with every fuckin person when they come over?

"Want to smoke a blunt?" 

"Excuse me what?" The question takes me off guard, but in reality it shouldn't. He gives me a smirk as he reaches under the sofa pulls out a thick blunt. My eyes widen unsure of what to say considering that I've never really smoked weed. 

"Yeah dude, you've had such a rough day," he pulls a lighter from his pants pocket. "You deserve to get a little cross faded." He didn't hesatate to start smoking the blunt and held it in his mouth while he grabbed another beer for us. He let out a bunch of smoke and held the blunt motioning for me take it. 

I mean, people do it all the time right? What's the worse that could happen...


Ope, hope you guys don't mind a little smut next chapterrrrrrrrrrrr

Okay byeeeeee

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