Chapter 12

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(Kyley B POV)

"Hnnnnng," I groan as I leaned back in a... chair? I was surrounded by darkness, and as I went to get up, I realized I was tied to the chair. "Wait, what's going...GASP!" Memories came flooding back, memories of Fatass, and them kidnapping us! "FATASS! Get me the FUCK out so I can rearrange your FACE with your ASS!!!" I tried to force myself out of the ropes, but I stopped when I heard footsteps come towards me. 

"Well looks who's finally awake." It was Cartman. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? What's the point of all this???" I spit demanding answers. 

"Well..." Cartman said in a teasing tone, and with another swift move pulled the bag off my head. My stomach dropped and I took in the surroundings. Piles upon piles and trash surrounded us. He had taken us the the dump about three miles outside of the city. The perfect place to get rid of things that you don't want... "Haha, I'm assuming that you know where we-"

"Where. the hell. is Raven." I growled not letting him finish his sentence. He rolled his eyes annoyed with me. 

"Has anyone ever taught you that it's rude to interupt people when they're-"

"I DON'T GIVE A FUC-AUG!" He cut me off a firm fist to the mouth. He definetly busted my lip because all I could taste was the metally flavor of blood. Eric grinned as he kneeled in front of me.

"See what happens when you don't listen?" I decide not to reply because I wasn't really wanting to get punched again, this made him laugh. "Wow, you are just so obident," he stood back up and took few steps away from me. "And as for your little boyfriend, Stan-"

"It's Raven," I huff at him. 

"Dude, seriously. What's up with your little nicknames, huh? First we got Raven, and then you're Kyley B? Like, should I get one too?" He asks laughing at his own... Joke? I don't think you can even call it a joke.

"Yeah, yours is Fatass and it will always Fatass," I say to him, laughing through the blood in my mouth. Cartman stops dead in his tracks, you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. He stomps over to me, a deranged look on his face. 

"Listen here, Kyle, I worked hard to get where I am today. I'm in shape now, so no one can ever say to me that i'm fat." He tells me through clenched teeth. 

"Awww, did I strike an insecurity~?" I cooed to him, but this only pissed him off even more. He grabs the collar of my shirt lifting me, and the chair, and brought me to his level. 

Okay wow. He's actually really fuckin strong. 

"I'm gonna cut the tongue out of your mouth and then-"

"Hey, Eric!" Cartman turns around and laughs, then drops me back down with a thud. My chair tips over and I fall to the ground, still tied to the chair, but the side of my face is rubbing on the dirty ground. I let out few coughs as I lift my head to see what Cartman...was...oh no...No. NO!

What I saw in front of my was a bloody, beaten Raven. He was so beaten that Cartmans friends were the ones holding up, then they just let him drop to the ground on his stomach. Raven was only able to look around with one eye while the other was swollen shut. He looked around and when he spotted me he reached a shakey hand towards me. 

"Ky..." But before he could even finish saying my name, he was out like a light. 

My blood has never pumped through my body quicker. "What did you do..." I whisper out. Eric out a mocking hand to his ear to say he couldn't hear me. I felt my eyes begin to water, all of my muscles begin to pulse, I was shaking with pure rage. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO STAN DAMMIT! HE'S ALMOST DEAD FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU THREE WITH NO REMORSE, YA HEAR???" I was screaming at the top of my lungs as the three of them stared back in shock. I started kicking and pulling my wrists trying to get out of the restraintes. I was struggling to the point where my wrists began to bleed. 

"Eric, dude... he's like totally loosing his shit right now." The blonde says pointing out the obvious. Cartman wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead and forces a laugh that is louder than my desprate cursing.

"Ha... It's not like can escape, so don't be such pussies!" Cartman yells regaining his composure. "We'll just have to shut him up," He says smugly as he reaches into his pocket. A switchblade. "Hey, Ky, remember when I said I was gonna cut your tongue out? Well, I didn't get to finish what I was saying." He forcefully pulls my chair back up and grabs my face. He looks me dead in the eye and whispers, "Faggots don't deserve to speak." 

"No, STOOOOOOOOOP!!!" I was for sure I was done for. He forced my mouth open and I screeched in hopes that someone will be able to save us. At this point only an angel could save us now.

"This is going to be awesome-!"


"Was that I gunshot?!" I gasp. I keep looking towards Cartman, except he wasn't moving an inch. His eyes flooded with tears and he threw me back on the ground.

"AuuuuUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Cartman cried reaching to his foot, I was confused and then I saw it. "M-my FOOT! THEY SHOT MY FOOT!!!" His friends rush over and help him up, rushing him to the car saying that they need to get out of here. Sure enough, they were gone in an instant. Raven was still passed out, but behind me I heard footsteps. My heart began to race as I heard them get louder. 

"H-HEY, I have lived in Jersey half my life!" They kept getting closer. "S-So gunshots are no big fuckin deal, YEAH!" The footsteps finally stopped right behind my head. 

So this is how I die... I didn't even get to tell Stan how I've felt all these years. I'm never gonna be able to help him now... I'm a failure. I'm a total fuck up...I hope I get to at least see Stan in the afterlife-

"Kyle?" A male voice and they know my name? "Wait a minute- STAN?" What the hell? Who is this guy??? "Oh fuck, let me help you guys, wow it has been forever!" I felt a pair of hands untieing the ropes from my wrists. As soon as they were off I rolled away and looked at my savior. My heart swelled with joy and relief!

"Kenny! It's really you!!!"


Goodness, I feel so guilty leaving this story behind, I'm really sorry! But here's a nice long chapter for you guys.

Hope you enjoyed!

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