Chapter 6

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I start to walk down the vacant hallway not bothering to turn around to see Kyle's reaction. I hate myself even more now.

Why do I have to be this way?

A complete cynical asshole.

I was out in the front of the school and I pulled out a cigarette. Once I lit it, I took a long drag. My boner has gone down, thank god. 

What if Kyle saw it?

Wait, I don't care what he thinks! Fucking prick.  

"Raven! Wait up!" 

Wait! What the hell???

I turn around and see Kyle running towards me. I froze, even though I  wanted to run as fast as I could back home. The sound of his chain around his was making got louder as he got closer. When he made it to me, he gave a giant grin. Most of the time when I say my name then walk away, people just shake their heads and ignore me. 

"Thanks for waiting up! Now we walk home like old fuckin times-"

"Why the hell would I want to walk home you?" I spit my words like acid. 

Is he clueless?

A face of shock and pain covers his face. He looks away from me, takes a deep breath, then looks back at me. The tiny bit of sun shining through all of the clouds showed how completely nervous he was. Which made me kinda nervous.

"I'm guessing Cartman told you that I'm a gay, huh?" Out of shock, I drop my cigarette on the ground. My heart skips a beat as I see a deep blush cover his confident face. It takes all my might to run up hug him, but I am able to resist.

What if he's just saying that? What if Cartman told Kyle to say that?

"What do mean?" I ask not showing that I care. 

"Well Cartman told me about how yous guys are best fuckin friends, and I know you guys don't like gays..." Kyle said scratching the back of his neck. 

So that's what's going on...

"Cartman and I are anything but friends." Kyle's body flinches, and I notice the glimmer of hope fill his eyes. We both start to walk home, in the corner of my eye I look up him next to me. His face was bothered, and not that its important, but he's about two or three inches taller than me and had muscle. 

"Sooo... You won't hate me?" Kyle asked me happily. 

Dammit! I can't forgive him.

"I won't hate you because your gay," Before a confused Kyle could answer, I continued. "That doesn't mean I won't be upset about you leaving. When you left, I became Cartman's punching bag. Why do you think I was stuffed in your locker?" We both stop walking and I can't even look up him, I didn't want to start crying. "First you left, then Kenny, I have no fucking clue where Butters went, then Cartman turned on me. I started to hang out with the goth kids, but they fucking left me too!" 

So much for not showing emotion. 

Kyle rested a hand on my shoulder. "Well now I'm back, and I'll protect you. I'll tell everyone to not fuckin mess with you." He looked proud, happy even. Like, it didn't even bother him that everyone was going to hate him for being gay. For some odd reason, that made me even more upset.

"Who cares, Kyle?" I say while ripping his hand off my shoulder. Kyle was taken aback as he took a step back holding his hands up in defense. "You LEFT without saying ONE goodbye!" Kyle looked down in shame. "You can't just come back after six years and expect me to forgive you..." His face showed that he was searching for the right words to say.

And so I start to walk up to my house. 

"For one, I ain't sayin you have to forgive me right away, Stan-Raven, or whateva the fuck your name is now!" When I look back at Kyle, he looked irritated and crestfallen. "I was just trying to help out my best friend by saying I would protect him! I guess you don't need my fuckin help."

In no time at all, he stomped up to me and poked me in the chest. "And two, it's not Fuckin Kyle anymore. It's Kyley-B!" He yelled in my face. Tears start to run down my face, I felt scared. His face falls when he realizes what he had just done. He looks me up and down, and his face turns red. 

Why would he...

Finally, after Kyley-B stares at me for a minute, he shoves his hands in his pockets and stomps back into his house. My heart is beating fast, and I feel my legs shaking. I turn and open the front door. The first thing I notice when I walk through is my dad with concern covered on his face. 

Great...He saw it all...


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