Chapter 10

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"Fuck... My head," I groan while sitting in my bed. I look at the floor and then my open window. "Why is this open?" I ask aloud and I shut the window. I try to think of what happened last night, but everything was just a sloppy blur. 

"Staaaaannnnn!" My mom called from downstairs. "Don't forget to get something to eat before you go to school!" I roll my eyes and get up out of bed. 

"Ugh," I wrap my arms around my stomach and taste my mouth. Vomit. "Dammit, I really must've overdone it last night. I can't remember shit...." I strip my smelly clothes from yesterday and get dressed in my normal dark attire. I stumble over to the bathroom and put a lot of cologne to cover up the barf/smoke/alcohol smell, even though deep down I know that it won't work and just make it worse. And I know my mom told me to eat something before I went to school, but fuck that shit. Besides, what's the point if I'm just gonna throw it up later. 

I grab my school bag and phone and start walking to school. I like Monday mornings oddly. Everyone hates Mondays and then everyone is in a bad mood, so that means everyone at school can feel pain and I'm not the only one. Even though for some people that's the only pain that they have to go through. Eric is also more tired so his beatings aren't that bad. 

It also seems that Monday mornings are nice and quiet-

"Raven! Wait the fuck up kid!" I about jump out of my skin as I heard the loud jersey boy yell. I groan as I turn around and look at when I suddenly I get flashbacks from last night:

"Ah~ So this is Kyle's cock..."

"Stan...You're fuckin drunk, we can't do this."

"I want you to fuck me, Kyley-B!" 

"Ahhhh~! Stan~~~!"

"Oh, ah~, am I about to make you cum?"

"Sorry, Stan! But ain't going to let you make me cum just like that."

I covered my face and looked away from him. 

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, OH MY FUCKING GOD! I actually had Kyle fuck me? Or did he? Shit shit shit shit shit, I can't remember! 

 I had to try to stay calm, I don't need a boner right now. "What the hell do you want?" 

"I was heading to fuckin school, duh," he said while rubbing head hard messing up my hat. I glare at him and pulls his hand away and gives a light laugh. I roll my eyes and fix my hat. 

Is he really going to act like nothing happened???

We don't say anything else as we are walking to school. We both shove our hands in our pockets at the same time and he laughs again. I ignore it but start to sneak glances at him. 

He was wearing a white wife-beater and he wore dog-tags with his name on it. My eyes traveled to his six-pack showing through, so I averted my his biceps...then to his strong jaw-line... He is so hot...

"fuck..." I whisper out.

"What was that?" He looked at me in the eyes. My face quickly turns red and I turn away. I speed up away from him, but he grabs my arm and turns me so I'm facing him. He leans down so our noses are barely touching. I stare into his emerald eyes and feel my face get even hotter. He smirks and rubs my cheek with his thumb. 

Is he...going to kiss me???

"I fucking asked what you said," Kyley-B asks grinning and blushing with his strong features. My blush goes away, and I push him back. 

"Fuck you, it's none of your business...Asshole..." Startled that pushed him back like that, he just stands there scratching his head. I start walking onto the school property-

"Sorry, Raven,"  I stop in my tracks and look at him.

Is he finally gonna talk about what happened last night? 

"For what exactly?" I spit. 


"Well well well," we both turn to the voice. It was that damn fatass. "Looks like we got both of the homos here haha."

Well, this is just great...


So I finally updated... So the reason I was gone for so long is I had to go to place that specialized in mental health. It's like a a foster home, but the person watching you is a psychologist... It was only for like 2 weeks. I also went to my dads for Christmas. So I'm hoping that my therapist will be able to help me get more modivation, yay!

So sorry I was gone so long, but I hope to be able to update more now!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and stay healthy my peoples!

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