Chapter 11

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[Wowwie it's been a while]

(Raven's POV)

Shitshitshitshitshit, I thought to myself as I saw Eric and his two goons walk up to Kyley-B and me. "Well well well, looks like we got both homos here!" Eric let out a cackle nudging at a blonde male and brunette male, both of which had cuts and bruises on their faces. 

I wonder if that's who Kyley B was yelling at when I got shoved into a locker...

"Ay," Kyley B yelled at them. The three of them stop laughing as their faces grew dark. Kyley steps in front of me and before saying anything else, he looks at me and winks. I couldn't help but blush.

God... what an idiot... I wonder what he was going to say to me. 

"Aw look at the big fag protecting the baby fag HAHA!" I felt an ache in my chest, but Kyley B was quick to reply.

"Listen here, Fatass!" He puffing his chest out pointing at his goons. "See what I did to your little losers? That was only a portion of what I'm capable of," he took steps up to Eric so he was practically nose to nose with him. "So how about we have a good fuckin day and you guys fuck off?" Out of nowhere Eric breaks down laughing as the two of stepped back in confusion and shock.

"You know, Kyle, because that's your name," Kyley B growled and Eric smirked. "We already thought about the fact that you're sooooo much stronger than us, I planned for it." And as if on que, a black van pulled up and came to a screeching holt in front of us. 

"What the-" but before I could finish what I was saying my vision was cut off as a black bag covered my head and I was shoved into the van. I began to panic and tried to escape, but I was being forced down and having my wristed tied behind my back. 

"Get the FUCK off me!" I heard Kyley B screaming and yelling. No doubt he wasn't gonna go down without a fight. I began to to sob and shake as I heard punching and kicking outside the van, and eventually, Kyley B went silent and was thrown into the van. 

"Wow, even though he's a fairy he sure knows how to fight." One of Cartman's friends said. 

"Yeah, well make sure the tie him up good. We don't want him causing trouble when we go to the dump." Cartman replied in a irritated tone.

The... THE DUMP???


Oh, hi. I'm the authour... I'm gonna like... finish what I started. So... yeah, probably some shorter chapters, but yup.

Also sorry if there are mistakes... I'm also already done with the next update.

So I hope you enjoy!

Who Cares? (Raven x Kyley B)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now