Chapter 9

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"Oh my! Uh, come inside, Kyle." Stan's mom said wide-eyed. I step into the warm, familiar kitchen of the house and take a look around. Everything looked the same, except the excessive amount of alcohol in the countertops. I still had the frail raven in my arms, his mom takes a few steady steps towards Stan. She brushes her thumb on his cheek and lets out a deep sigh. 

"Could you bring him up to his room?" I nodded, not really sure what I'm supposed to say. I walk through the living room, then up the stairs, the 'round the corner to his room. 

"Oh fuck..." His room was an absolute mess. It reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. I shake my head to keep myself from crying and lay him down gently in his bed. I sit on the edge of the bed looking at my super best friend. He looked so peaceful. I thought back to all of the scars I saw all over his body.

Was this my fault?

If I never moved, would he still be the same old Stan?

"Goddammit... I'm such a fucking asshole." I curse to myself. I bring my face close to Stan's and lift his overgrown, black bangs. "Are you shitting me?" Underneath his bangs revealed a nasty scar. I felt my blood boil, I also felt even more guilt. 

"I promise you, Stan, I'm going to beat the absolute shit out of whoever did this to you," I whisper to the sleeping Stan. I was about to stand up and leave, but before I did, I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Stan started to move, so I quickly left his room as silent as a mouse. I softly closed the door and leaned against it. 

"Oh..." I snapped my head towards the voice, it was Stan's dad. "It's you. What are you doing in Stan's room?"

"Oh! I wasn't fuckin him or anything!" I put my hands up in defense. 

Really, Kyley-B? Why the fuck did I say that???

"I really hope not, 'Kyley-B'." His dad says in a mocking tone. That caused me to raise an eyebrow. "How about you go back downstairs so we can have a little... talk." The look that Randy gave me was shockingly scary. I cautiously walk down the stairs, feeling his burn into my back with every step I took. I walked in the living and see Sharon sitting on the couch with her head resting in her hand and the other was holding a glass of wine. 

"Ah, Randy, you're here," She motions a hand to the couch. "Uh, why don't we sit and talk about it... Okay?" Randy looks over and glares at me, I raise an eyebrow. 

Does he know something? I haven't even seen him since I've moved back. 

Randy and Sharon sit together and I sit across from them in an armchair. While Randy didn't take his eyes off me while he reached in the couch and pulled out a whole bottle of red wine and drinking straight from the bottle. "Randy!" Sharon barked pulling the bottle from his mouth. "What did I say about drinking straight from the bottle?" Sharon shook her head as she reached into the side-table drawer and pulled out a wine glass. 

I'm more worried about the fact that Randy pulled a full bottle of wine from between the couch cushions. 

"So Kyle-" 

"Uh, actually it's 'Kyley-B," Randy said in a sarcastic tone. I wasn't planning on correcting her, but whatever. 

"I'm sorry, Kyley-B," I wave a reassuring hand and she continues. "So I guess I should start with is... We are very happy to see you!" I was startled by her sudden pleading tone. "Ever since you left, everything went to hell! I don't know how much more we could've much more Stan could've taken..." My eyes widen as she started to sob, Randy's glare finally went away as he comforted his wife. 

"W-What do ya mean?" I was really hoping that they wouldn't say what I was thinking, but they did. Randy let's out a deep sigh and takes over the conversation. 

"Well... Not only does he drink and smoke, but we have caught him multiple times..." Randy's eyes start to gloss over. "He hurts himself and has tried multiple times to end it all." 




So it is my fault.

"I'm a horrible friend." Unmanly tears start to stream down my face. "It's all my fault!" I bury my face in my hands to try to hide the shame, but there was still to hide the tears flooding down my face. 

"Yeah, it kinda is," Randy says nonchalantly while sipping his wine. That made me freeze.

"Randy, don't be so-"

"Now hang on, Sharon. Calm down, hakuna your tatas." Randy puts his hands up in defense while Sharon just rolled her eyes. "I may be fucking pissed at you, and want to strangle you, and burn you, and shoot you, and-"

"Ight I get it!" I snap at him and immediately felt bad after. "Heh, sorry, it's a Jersey thing." 

"Ah, right. Sharron told us about the situation, and we are sorry." I look down and scratch the back of my neck. "Anyway, what I was trying to say is that... You still have a chance to fix it." I stare blankly at him, then suddenly feel a burst of hope explode in me. 

"Yeah! Yous right! I'm back now, that means I have a chance to fuckin fix it!" I jump out of the chair and walk up to his parents who also stand up. "I fuckin promise, I will make Stan feel better. He'll turn back to his old self in no time!" Sharon hugs me with tear filled eyes.

"I'm really hoping you can, Kyley-B." I give her a slight wave and give her a genuine smile. 

"It's okay, you can call me Kyle. Thank you again." I was walking out the door when Randy came out with me and shut the door behind us. 

"Listen, Kyle, I don't know if you noticed, but Stan is being hurt by someone," I look down a scratched the back of my neck. "Well, there is something I need you to do," Randy crosses his arms and stares me dead in the eye. "I want you to protect Stan. And beat the shit out of anyone who tries to hurt him." I puff my chest up and give him a large grin and crack my knuckles.

"You don't have to fuckin ask me twice!"



Sorry it took me so long to update! I have been very busy... and depressed... So that's fun! Anyway, are any of you guys interested in an author Q+A? I will answer any of your questions, no matter how weird. So if you guys are interested, I'll do a chapter of that, then have the next chapter ready!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a vote and comment what you thought!


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