Chapter 7

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(Raven POV) 

"Stan?" My dad starts to take a few steps towards me, I quickly start to wipe tears away from my eyes. "Was the Kyle?" My dad asks while taking my black eyeshadow covered hand. I wasn't making eye contact because I knew if I saw my dad's kind face I knew I would start crying. 

"It wasn't Kyle..." He gave me a questioning look. "He's calling himself Kyley-B, and he's a whole different person." My dad sighs and shakes his head. 

"That really is too bad... Please don't get too down about it, okay?" My dad puts a forced smile on his face. It hurt that my dad didn't know how to help. A bitter expression covers my face and he frowns. 

"You know that I can't help my feelings." I yank my hand away and walk up towards my room. 

"Don't forget that it's taco night tonight!" My dad yells hopeful. I ignore him and then slam my door shut. I don't bother to turn on my lights because I had many candles lit in my room. I start to play some gothy music and I lay on my floor. 

I take a moment to decide what to do next, so I close my eyes. 

Why did Kyle treat me that way? 

He probably hates me now... The only person I liked in this horrible world hates me now. 

Not to mention the dream I had of him fucking me...

I really am in love with Kyle... 

Can I still be in love with Kyley-B?

I open my eyes and check the time and it was ten. I guess fell asleep. I slowly get to my knees and crawl over to my dresser. I pull out the bottom drawer and get my bottle of whiskey. I tilt my head back down almost the whole bottle.

I just want to forget...

As I feel the burning reach my stomach, I can feel my head getting dizzy. Then my cheeks start to heat up.

I wonder how big Kyle is?

Will he be gentle or rough?

I start to get aroused by the idea and I feel myself getting hard. I giggle to myself and stumble up to my feet. Without thinking I jump to bed and push my window. The cool air hits me and I fall back onto my bed. 

"Whhaat am I doing?" I ask while slurring my words. My brain gets foggy as I roll out of my bedroom window and land a bush on my back. 

"Fuck..." I whisper in pain. I roll over to stand, but I end up bending over dry heaving. I was nowhere near sober as I crawl over the fence leading from my backyard into Kyle's backyard. I look up to where Kyle's bedroom would be and see that the light was out. I start to walk in a circle as I try to think of what to do. Then my memory gets darker and darker with every moment.

Now I'm climbing one of those ladder things that hold flowers and I'm peering through Kyle's window. And there he was...



And only in his boxers...

Then I blackout.


So I'm going to have a hard time updating because I never have time for anything. I have homework every single night, and no one told me how hard it was going to be to take an online collage class Jr. year of high school. And when I do have free time, I like to hang out with my boyfriend. 

Also, there is a lot of drama. This new kid, that I barely know, asked if when my boyfriend and I break up if we could date. It was very weird seeing him at school after he said that. 

And one last thing, how do you deal with the fact that your boyfriend will be playing the Beast in a play and he's going to have kiss another girl???? Gah! It's so hard not to get worried or jealous about that!

Anyway... I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know guys will love the next one~

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