Chapter 4

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My heart beats faster as Ike and I walk up to South Park High School. There were many students that I didn't recognize, many students that weren't my friends.

What if they don't go here anymore? What if they left me alone here? What if-

"Are you okay, Kyley-B?" I snap out of my thoughts and slick my hair back again.

"You bet your shit I'm okay! Everyone here looks like complete and utter garbage! And the school looks like garbage as well!" I say for people to hear me, which earned me a few glares. Ike just shakes his head and heads to what I'm assuming is his 6th grade class, leaving me alone to go into the school. I start to mess with my gold chains all the way into the school.

At first I was just saying that the school looks like garbage, it's a jersey thing, but now that I'm inside, it looks like I wasn't wrong. Not as bad as Jersey, but still shit. On various lockers there were posters with hateful words like 'fag', 'pussy', 'whore', and many more things.

So they have a problem with 'fags'?

"Hurry up! Haha, he's going to come back and probably start crying!" I felt my blood boil as I saw a blonde guy telling a brunette guy to hurry up as the brunette started to spray paint 'Die Fag' on someone's locker. Both of them looked like football jocks. The worst part is that there are so many students and teachers looking, but not doing anything. No one could stop me from what I do when next.

"HEY!" I yell at the top of my fuckin lungs. Both of them, along with everyone else in the hallway, looked at me with confused glares. "You gotta a problem with fags???" Both of them slowly step away from the locker and start to walk towards me.

"Yeah we do, what about it eh?"

"Yous two are nothin but fuckin Garbage!!!" A circle of people started to form around the three of us. "I like men! So what's it to yea???" After I yelled that, murmurs and weird looks were being passed around the circle.

"That's pretty unfortunate, we don't need Another gay kid polluting the school," the blonde stated while cracking their knuckles. I just smiled and laughed.

"I can take the two of you down piece of cake!" Right after I spit out those words the crowd around us started to chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'.

So then I gave the crowd what they wanted by running up on the blonde punching him square in the face, his nose immediately bursted with blood, staining my white Kyley-B shirt. Then in my peripheral I saw the brunette running at me with a fist. I was quick to act and I threw my elbow, the one I used to punch the blonde, and elbowed him side of his face. With the brunette disoriented I got down and side swiped his legs; a loud crack was heard when his head hit the ground, knocking him out.

"Your goin to pay little bitch!" When I look up behind me, the blonde had gained a switch in his right hand. Unable to react, he slices my left cheek. I burning sensation floods my cheek as I bring my fingers up to the cut. "Awww, look at the little faggot. He's going to start cr-"

"YOU MOTHERFUCKIN PIECE OF MUFF CABBAGE!" I jump up as fast as light and punch him right mouth. He starts to stumble forward, so I help him along by grabbing his hair and pulling him to the ground. The crowd goes silent as I spit on both unconscious boys. 


Did I hear-


No Way!

After a loud locker slam, I turn around to the voice-

"Fatass! It's been awhile, hows you doin? And remember, it's Kyley-B." I never thought I would be happy to that fat bucket of lard. Eric grimaces at my name calling, but then clears his throat while putting his smile back on. He really does look different, well, he's mostly not fat anymore. He was wearing a South Park Letterman jacket, just like how Clyde would in elementary school. I'll say this tho, I don't find this fatass at attractive.   

"Ah, yes, I remember when you saved me, Kyley-B," he points to the guys knocked-out on the floor. "I see you knocked out my friends, how come?" I felt dumbfounded.

"You were friends with these pieces of garbage??" Eric just nods. "They are majorly homophobic!"

"Whateva, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, not my problem," Cartman said while shrugging his shoulders. I wasn't sure if I should get super pissed or not, because he may not even be involved. But....

"Hey you should I'm a homo, that alright with you, Fatass?" And at that moment I got my answer. 

He is homophobic.

A look of disgust covers his face. By now the crowd has dispersed to there classes, so it was only me and Cartman.  "Well I guess we are goin to have a problem?" I say slightly disappointed, but not too much because it's just Cartman. I still have Stan, Kenny, and Butters. I haven't seen Tweek or Craig, maybe it's for the best they don't go here. He shakes his head in agreement and starts to step away from me. 

"AY! I'm not done with you piece of garbage," Eric turns around, rolls his eyes, and motions his hands for me to continue. "Does Stan go to school here?"

"Why yes he does, Kahl." He says in a strange tone, smirking.

"Are you guys, like, still friends?" This question kind-of worried me. If they were still friends, would Stan not fuckin like me anymore? Cartman puts a finger on his chin, like he had to think really hard about it. 

"Why yes he is, Kahl. Ever since you left him all by his lonesome, we've become super best friends." My mouth hangs open as he bows and walks away. 

No...NO! He's lying... Right? Stan is still my Super Best Friend! He would never judge me for being gay...Right?


Oof! I spent too much time typing and I kept getting migraines really bad. I also had my level ten panic attack yesterday, it's hard to recover after one of those. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Be sure to leave a vote and comment what you think. And if your new around here, follow me for more updates on my stories!

Peace out!

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