Chapter 8

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(Kyley-B POV)

I stomp away from Stan, my heart being crushed with each step. 

What the fuck is wrong with me????

I open my front door and slam it shut behind me. I'm seething with anger and sadness. "FUCK!!!" I punch the wall next to me leaving a hole and making my knuckles almost bleed. A framed picture fall off a nearby shelf. Not soon after the loud shatter, I hear stomping down the stairs. 

"Kyle!!! Now there is no need for your New Jersey attitude. Now pick up that picture." My mom tells me sternly. I roll my eyes and pick up the picture, then I freeze.



I grip the picture tightly in my hands. It was Stan and me on my 7th birthday and we were smiling together showing our new friendship bracelets. Both of us had smiles bigger than the world. Suddenly, tears start to drop on the picture.

"Kyle... I'm sorry..." I rip my eyes away from the picture to see my mom reaching in for a hug. I'm quick to react and I speed up the stairs to my room. I slam my door shut, jump on my bed, and then just stare at the picture. 

"What the hell happened to Stan?" I start to think back to the time in 4th grade when he thought everything was shit and he had 'assburgers'. Then I thought of the other time when Wendy broke up with him and so he started to hang out with the goth kids and became a goth himself for a little while.

"Stan has gone through too much shit..." I blink back the tears. "And I was barely able to help him..." I let out a long sigh and decided to just close my eyes. I first took everything off except my boxers. 




"Ah~ So this is Kyle's cock..." I start to feel myself get hard as I hear Stans voice in my head. 

"Ahh, ~ *Liiiiccckkk*" I suddenly push myself up knowing that felt way too real. I look down between my legs and my heat absolutely stops. 

"S-Stan?" The raven is between my legs, drool going out of his mouth, and his eyes stared at me hungrily. And in his hand was my...dick. I start to rapidly push my hair back and my mind gets filled with a million thoughts. 

What's happening???

Why is Stan in my room???

How did Stan get in my room???

Why is he smiling???

I assumed he only frowned.

And why the Fuck is my cock in his hand??????

What does this mean???

"Kyley-B~~~," his voice snaps me out of my thoughts as he calls me by my other name. I look back down and Stan starts crawling up my chest. My eyes look him up and down and my eyes get stuck on his crotch. He's so hard! "See something you like?" Stan asks me as he starts to take off his black skinny jeans along with his underwear. 


"Shhhh~" Stan places a pale finger on my lips and gets face to face with me. That's when it hits me... 

How could I be so stupid...He's drunk.

His breath was reeking of alcohol, and as much as I didn't want to, I pushed him away. "Stan...You're fuckin drunk, we can't do this." Stan's face from bubbly, to dark and upset. 

"I want you to fuck me, Kyley-B!" He yells in my face. Before I could stop him, he falls back so our dicks were touching. A devilish smirk covers his face as he holds both in his hand. "Looks like you're bigger than me~!" I went to push his shoulder away, but then he strokes our cocks. 

"Ahhhh~! Stan~~~," I moan as I throw my head back. I went mute except for the moans erupting from my mouth. 

This is bad...

This is wrong...

Stan then starts to go faster, and I get even hornier. 

But it feels so good~

"Oh, ah~, am I about to make you cum?" Stan asked in a snarky tone, but that made me mad. I reach forward and grab his hips position his cute ass above my cock. 

"Sorry, Stan! But ain't going to let you make me cum just like that." I smirk, and he blushes and gives me an aroused look.

"So Kyley-B likes it rough~" Him sayin that drove me over the edge, so I decide to rip off his shirt. I immediately stop. 

It felt like the very life of me floated out of my body.

Stans pale body was covered in cuts and bruises. All of them were dark and looked painful. There were burn marks and even worse...

There was a visible 'E' carved into skin and didn't look like it would fade any time soon. 

"S-Stan? What are these..." His aroused blush disappears from his face as tears start to form in my eyes. He starts to try to distract me by touching me again, but it didn't work. "Stan! Who did this to you???" I say while shaking him. Visible darkness covers his eyes, and he starts to cry.

"Dammit, Kyle...How many times do I have to tell you?" He says while getting in my face again, but this time he looked to be only despair. "My name is Raven-Hnng!" Stan quickly covers his mouth and jumps off me. He searches all around my room, still naked may I remind you, till he sees my trash can.

"Blegggggg!"  He bends over, his ass sticking up, not that that's important or anything...  He looks back at me, and I felt like someone was shredding my heart until it was a fine dust. His eyes were glossed over, begging for help. There was drool going down his face, and his body was skinny like he rarely eats. He starts to shake, then he falls and passes out.

I get up putting on my clothes, then I quickly and carefully dress him. I lift the frail male in my arms and carry him out of my room bridal style. Luckily my parents are asleep so I was able to sneak out of my house with no problem. That's when I started thinking.

What will Stan's parents think when they see us like this?

So that's when I decide to try to sneak in through the back. As I was about to open to grab the handle, it slides away. I freeze and my eyes slowly look upwards. 

"Kyle?" It was Stan's mom covering her mouth with a face full of shock. "Is that really you?" She then points at Stan. "What happened to my Stanly?"



Why holo everyone, it's me the author again. As you can see, I spent much time on this. I thought of just having them fuck, but of course, I had to add some angsty, depressing shit. 

Writing this really has been my release from the real world, it's nice~

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and comment what you think! And be sure to leave a vote, votes make me happy!

Bye Bye!

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