Chapter 5

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It's been a few weeks since the first day of 11th grade, and nothing has changed from my previous years of school. What was I expecting tho? That everyone at this school would go through a miraculous change and just except what they hate so much? Of course not. No one at this just adapts to change. 

Today I was wearing my black n' grey poof-ball hat, and my black shirt that read, "Life is only Pain." I had my one cross earring and I was smoking a cigarette walking up to my locker before school started. 

"Wow, must be my lucky day." I turn around to see Cartman, lucky me. "I get to have a break from playing hide n' seek." Cartman steals the cigarette from my mouth and puts it in own. 

"So now you'll have indirect kisses with fags?" I say trying to stay completely monotone. He grabs both of my shoulders presses me against the locker. I don't bother to escape, until he takes the still burning cigarette towards my my face. I start to panic and I struggle to get away. 

"Stop! Get off me, Cartman!" I see a teacher look at me. "Help me!" He just walks away, shaking his head. 

"Damn, Stan. Looks like no one cares." I try to kick him away, but he's too strong. He quickly starts to choke me, and I try too pull off his hand with both of mine. 

H-He's- too s-strong-

"GAHHHH- hmph!" I felt the burning on my skin, and it smelt like burning skin. My salty tears sting my burn. I start to scream out, but Cartman quickly covers my mouth. 

"Did you hear that?" He shifts his eyes to the sides, but the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. I quickly shake my head no, then he grins at me. "Excacly! You don't hear anyone yelling for me to stop. Not even a single-"

"HEY!" Cartman and I go wide-eyed at the sudden yell. "You got a problem with fags???" The yelling was coming from near the front of the school. Suddenly a bunch of students and teachers start gathering around the yelling chanting 'Fight, Fight, Fight!'

I was about to run off, not wanting to get involved, but Cartman grabbed the back of my neck and starts to drag me over to the crowd. The whole time I was just waiting to be beat up even more. I just wish I had someone to protect me...

"YOU MOTHERFUCKIN PIECE OF MUFF CABBAGE!" Yelled the voice. Wait a minute...

"k-kyle..." I whisper out, my heart even skips a beat.

"Shit!" I feel his grip around my skinny neck tighten in fear. Probably because he knows the damage Kyle could do.

W-Wait! Why is he even back here??? Why should I even care... Kyle left me to suffer for all of these years.

Suddenly I'm jerked back and thrown into a locker, slamming my head I get knocked out. Throughout my whole time sleeping, I have a dream about Kyle. In my dream we're kissing, touching each other, fucking each other... 


I can't think of him like that.

I hear a school bell go off, waking me from my small coma. I have no clue what that bell for. While shifting around in the locker, I notice a slight throbing in between my legs...

Fuck...I'm hard...

I was trying to figure out what to do when I started to hear shuffling outside of the locker. What was I going to do when this kid opens the locker and finds me in it???

"I hate this fuckin garbage school," the person mumbled.

W-Wait a minute! That voice!

The locker opened up sending me to my chest, luckily not breaking my dick.

"Ay! What THE FUCK-" When I look up, Kyle is looking down at me in complete shock. "S-Stan??? What're you doin in my locker?" Kyle asked concerned. I barely even recognized him. He was Kyley-B, not Kyle.

As much as I wanted to run up and hug him... I can't just forgive him like that. So I did what I would do any other person. I stood up and looked him right in the eyes and said,

"My name is Raven." And I started to walk out the front of the school, not bothering to look back.




I'm sorry for not updating, I've been on vacation and my sisters were always around me so I never had time to write. But now they are at school~

Also, I normally have a hard time typing on my phone so I usually write on my computer.

And I was totally watching Jersey Shore while writing this.

Thank you for reading! Be sure to leave a vote and comment what you think!

Bye bye~

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