Chapter 2

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(Btw there will be a lot of cussing)

"Hey Ma! I had a fuckin day at school, I'm goin to my room!" I yell to my mother while throwing my bag against the wall, leaving dent. I had a fuckin day today! Everyone at this school is garbage. 

"Kyle come back here! We need to have a talk!" My ma yelled at me from the kitchen. I froze on the steps.

She hasn't called me Kyle since...

"What The Hell Ma??? M-My name isn't fuckin Kyle anymore...IT'S KYLEY-B!" I'm feeling pissed, and some stupid shit, like, sadness. Man, I'm hungry as fuck. "If you want to talk so bad, Ma, make me some damn food so I don't die and shit." I yell as I make it upstairs. 

I walk past my dad who's carrying a box and he tells me that I need to be more respectful. I glare at him, but he just looks happy.

Since when does he care? He's too fuckin nice to tell me what to do! And why the hell is he so jolly??

"I'm so excited to see you too, Baby!" I hear Ike from his room. Out of curiosity, I sneak into his room. Him being from Canada, he's still a nice kid and never gave into the Jersey thing. He turned 11 in December so I guess it would make sense for him to have a girlfriend. Ike is laying on his stomach on the floor, blushing like a dork even tho he's pretty much looks like a jock for his age. I've also gained some muscle while being in all of those fights, and winning. A devilish appears on my face.

"AY IKE!" I scream while jumping on his back. "Who's you talken too?" 

"Get off me, Kyley-B!" I've beat him up enough that he knows not to call me Kyle anymore. As he struggles under me I'm able to pluck his phone from his hand. I put the phone up to my ear while covering my little brothers mouth, then I did my best Ike impression and put the phone on speaker.

"Okay I'm back, my awesome bro is gone-"


"Ay you little shit!" Ike licked my hand and I threw his phone back him and started to stomp outta his stupid bedroom.

"Sorry Firkle, I'm back. My brother is being an asshole...again." I flinch at him calling me an asshole, but at same time I can't help smile.

So my little bro is gay, I guess we have the same interest. 

And yes. I'm gay.

I make it to my room and lay on my bed. 

I guess we also have the same taste in men: pale with black hair. 


I wonder how Stan is doing.

I remember how sad I was when my ma said we had to get up and leave. Ma's parents got into wreck, both had died. Ma said she had to be with family, so we rented a shit house up in New Jersey. Every night I hear gun shots and yelling, I'm in 11th grade now and I'm still not used to it. I begged her and dad to let me say goodbye to Stan, but they had already bought plane tickets and had all of our shit being sent over. 

After a month of living here, Ma and I embraced our Jersey selves. Dad hada hard time tho, all the other dads here were too fuckin tough for him. Ike had the hardest time tho, he was way to nice for his own good. I don't think there was a week where I got into at least one fight for people being garbage to my brother. I know he wants to go back to South Park. That's all he wants...

I want that too... It's so hard not to cry like a pussy because I miss everyone. I miss Stan the fuckin most. In fact, I'm in lov-

*Knock Knock*

"Kyle, sweetheart, I'm coming in." As Ma walks in, my jaw drops as she walks in. Except she looks completely different. Her tits were back in her clothes, her tan was gone, and her hair wasn't all poofed up. Even her favorite hoops were gone!

"Ma??? One it's Kyley-B. And two, what fuck happened to you bit-" Before I could finish, she smacks me in the back of the head causing my gelled up hair to fall flat. "What the hell, Ma???" I almost didn't even notice she didn't have food in her hands. I point at my stomach and my mouth. 

"Kyle we need to talk..." She say's anxiously. She motions for me to scoot over, I respond by doing so. My mattress dips down as she sits. "After some discussion with your father,  we are going to be moving back to South Park." My heart skips a beat, but I'm sure to keep my tough boy persona. 

"Yeah? How come, Ma?"

"This place isn't good for Any of us! Your father is growing tired, and your brother is so lonely. And most of all," she suddenly grabs my hands and looks at me in the eyes, tears starting to form. "I want my Kyle back! Kyley-B isn't you! You've changed so much, what would Stan think?" 

"W-What??? Why does he matter uh?" I very much taken by surprise. Ma notices my reaction and gives me a warm smile.

"I know that you like Stan a lot more than just a friend," before I could protest she continues. "You're just not your self, I knew it would be a mistake moving out here. I only wanted to visit, but here we are six years later. Your getting into fights and you've lost almost all respect for authority." Her voice starts to crack, "Kyle sweetie, I'm so sorry, I'm a horrible mother!" 

I was lost for words as I watched my Ma cry. "P-Please don't cry, Ma!" I say while wrapping my arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug. She quickly wraps her arms around me and starts crying on my shoulder. 

After a few moments we pull away from the hug. I look down at her (I'm about 5 foot 10 and I have plenty of muscle) and smile. 

"I pack my stuff up, then we can go back to fuckin South Park."

"Enough with that language, Kyle!"


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Ah I can't wait to write the next one,  and the next one, and the next one!!!

Be sure to leave a vote and comment what you think!

My Instagram is  sp_yaoi_lover just so ye know.

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