Before Nibelhiem

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Cloud sat in the dirt next to one of the well's support beams mindlessly scraping away at the dirt with a stick while he watched the others play. His emotions about the situation were mixed. Although he wanted to be friends with the dark haired girl, she made him nervous and the other children weren't nice to him. She screamed a laugh as she got tagged by one of the boys, Dale. Cloud smiled but his stomach churned when she then turned in his direction. He immediately dropped his gaze and began digging more fervently at the earth.

The morning sun was blocked on her approach. "C'mon Tifa." Dale called in annoyance but her shadow didn't leave Cloud. Slowly Cloud raised his vision and flinched as she patted his head. "You're it."

Cloud jerked his knees into his chest and buried his face in them.

"Will you play with us?" Tifa asked.

Wordlessly but feverishly Cloud shook his head.

Dale made an exasperated noise. "Ugh, Tifa." He whined.

She just shrugged still focusing on the silent boy. "Okay." Then she ran off and resumed tag with the others.

Cloud waited a few minutes before gambling a peak over his knees. No one was watching. He sighed and began scratching the ground again.

After nearly an hour of games the four friends tired and laid on their backs for a break staring up at the sky.

"Did you hear about the monsters?" Cecile asked.

Tifa sat up straight. "When we were hiking the mountain my dad said they appeared just after the reactor was finished."

"Nuh-uh." Dale shook his head, "My mom says life is good 'cause of the reactor."

"Don't be dumb. I'll show you." Tifa stood and began walking in the direction of the mansion. Cloud stood up.

"Hey wait!" Fulshion yelled also scrambling to his feet and running after her.

"Are you going to the mountain?!" Cecile questioned.

"Yes I am." Tifa confirmed. "Now who's coming?"

"Don't leave without me." Fulshion walked over to her side.

Cecile shook her head. "No way. That's scary."

Dale folded his arms. "You can't make me go."

"Are you scared I'll prove you wrong or just scared?" Tifa stuck her hands on her hips and her tongue out.

"I'm not go--" Dale began but stopped.

As they spoke, Cloud gingerly walked out from the shade of the well towards Tifa's party, trying to be inconspicuous. Tifa smiled.

"... Scared." Dale mumbled and trudged forward.

"C'mon." Tifa started leading the group past the mansion and out of Nibelhiem.

They were several hours traveling before arriving at the base of Mt. Nibel. The sun had just passed its apex in the sky.

"I can't do it." Fulshion lamented sitting roughly on the grass.

Cloud also crouched to rest.

Dale took the opportunity to criticize as he also collapsed. "This was a dumb idea."

Tifa glared at him. "Let's go." She started towards the cave.

Cloud forced himself to stand and began to trail behind her.

Dale rolled his eyes at Fulshion and also regained his feet.

"I want to go home." Fulshion rubbed his eyes.

Before NibelhiemWhere stories live. Discover now