Before Nibelhiem 12

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"Hey Cloud, wake up!" Zack shook him.

Cloud groaned and rubbed his eyes, partially sitting up before he asked. "What is it?"

Zack smiled knowingly. "Guess who I just talked to."

Cloud was too drowsy to pick up on the teasing. "Sephiroth?" He guessed.

The dark haired SOLDIER shook his head, hands on hips. "Man, no wonder this is a problem." He sighed to himself. "No. Tifa! And you know what she said?"

Cloud didn't say anything but his face drained. He didn't know what to say or think. Had Zack told her? He blinked.

"She told me someone promised to come back and save her when she was in trouble." He paused but when Cloud didn't respond continued. "You know anything about that?"

"No!" Cloud desperately turned his back to Zack.

"Apparently he went to Midgar and joined Shinra in hopes of becoming a SOLDIER. Ring any bells now?"

Cloud sighed and sat up throwing his feet over the far side of the bed. "Yeah, but he hasn't gotten there yet, so it doesn't matter."

"Oh, come on!" Zack was exasperated and walked around to see his friend's face. "You jumped in front of a monster attack! You protected her!"

"But I couldn't defeat it." Cloud pointed out.

"You kept your promise! You were here when she needed you." Why couldn't Cloud see? "You're her hero!"

"I just embarrassed myself more."

"C'mon Cloud. You have no idea how lucky you are to be home. At least promise me you'll tell someone you're back."

Cloud felt the guilt tugging at his heart. Why couldn't they have gone to Gongaga instead? "Okay Zack." He agreed.

"Alrighty then. I'll go check on Sephiroth. I think he's still in the basement of the mansion studying. He'll probably need something to eat." Zack headed for the stairs then turned back to Cloud. "She misses you, you know."

Cloud looked after his friend then down at the floor.

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