Before Nibelhiem 11

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Zack walked with his usual gusto out of the inn. Tifa was looking intently at the well in the town square, her eyebrows turned up in a mix of pain and sadness.

He strolled over to her. "Hey, Tifa. Thanks for all your help."

She cleared her thick throat. "It's no problem." She tried to be nonchalant. "Is that soldier okay?"

"He should be fine. Just getting some rest." Zack informed her.

Tifa couldn't help but feel a little relieved and her body showed it.

"Hmm..." Zack pondered. "I can't help but feel that you're a little disappointed with us."

She shook her head. "It's not you per se. It's just when I heard Shinra was sending in two SOLDIERS I got my hopes up."

"For what?" Zack pressed.

Again Tifa's head shook while she mocked herself for being so childish. "I have a friend who promised to come back and help me if a was ever in trouble before he joined the Shinra army in hopes of becoming a SOLDIER and I thought, maybe one of you would be him. But it doesn't matter now." She shrugged, pushed off the railing and starting to walk away.

"Heya Tifa." Zack called after her. "Was he your boyfriend?"

She turned a bright red then responded, "No!" and hurried away.

Zack sighed audibly rubbing his neck. This was going to take some work.

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