Before Nibelhiem 17

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The scraping of the buster sword as it was pulled over the desert terrain pierced Cloud to the core, a grim reminder of what he was facing but he didn't yet have the strength to lift it, so the sound continued.

Zack couldn't be dead. Anyone but Zack. There were countless lesser people who would never be missed. Cloud himself would've traded places if he could. He couldn't help but remember all the times he had been helped and lifted by Zack and his optimistic spirit. The memories of their time together flashed through his head in a flurry. He had been a true friend and a better man than Cloud could ever hope to be. How could he be gone? And how could he expect Cloud to fill the hole he'd left behind?

Midgar loomed in front of him, the giant tower at its center staring down at him as he approached the outer gates.

Although he knew he couldn't, he had to try. Cloud would bury the shy, self-conscious and weak boy he was, to be the strong and proud SOLDIER 1st class that Zack deserved as a successor. As he vowed it, he could almost feel the Mako energy still swirling through his veins and in his head, attach him to Zack's consciousness in the lifestream. In the back of his mind he felt Zack begin to guide him. He wasn't sure why but he needed to get to sector five. 

He put his hand on the sector 4 Gate and pushed. He was surprised at how easily the door swung open for him and stared at his hand a moment before adjusting his grip on the Buster Sword and trudging into the darkened streets. He stuck to the back alleys as best he could, the stares he got from bystanders piercing him as he made his way to the nearest train station. Once he got closer the population around him inevitably increased and so did the concerned glances he was getting. So much so, it caused his still fragile mind to go blank. He couldn't remember why he was here. Cloud hoisted the sword onto his back and was again taken aback by the ease of the task.

Well, what'd you expect? You've been swimming in Mako energy for years. He heard a distinct voice that wasn't his own speak. The sound seemed to echo in his head and he gripped it to silence the reverberations. He knew he'd heard that voice before but couldn't conjure a matching face.

He looked around at the other faces now staring down at him, mumbling and realized he was on the ground. He stood and walked purposefully onto the train that was pulling into the station despite not knowing where it had been or where its destinations were. He stood in the corner, on the end of one of the benches by the door and glared intently out the window. Stop after stop came and went. He lost himself in the blurring scenery washing over his vision and closed his eyes. The train car got more crowded before large groups began exiting at every stop. There were only a few left when he opened his eyes again and seemed to startle awake. Where was he going? Why? What had happened to him? He looked around the train car in confusion and only a single word came to him: Zack. Is that my name? 

Really? An exasperated voice whispered and he found himself holding his head again, face to the floor.

In front of him a tall man in red was talking. "Excuse me! Do you have your ticket?" 

"Wha-?" He looked blankly at the man, unable to comprehend his surroundings.

"Sir, come with me." He reached for Cloud's arm.

Uh-oh, looks like trouble, the voice commented. Block, he commanded and reflexively Cloud's arm hit the other man's away and he jumped to his feet.

What are you doing? Cloud silently argued.

Helping a friend out, the voice smiled in his mind.

The assailant stepped back before squaring his shoulders. "Sir, you can come with me willingly or I'll have you forcibly removed."

Here it comes, the voice warned.

Cloud stumbled back against the wall as his head reeled and his vision blurred Mako blue.

"Go away," he grumbled aloud.

The man grabbed a radio on his chest.

We can't have that, the entity in his head said and his body responded by grabbing the man's hand and twisting until he yelled, dropping his communicator.

Angrily, the man swung his free fist but ducking underneath it Cloud was able to maneuver behind the man and put him in a choke. A woman in the car shrieked in fear and ran away from the men but Cloud held on. He could feel the man's attempts to free himself growing frail and when they stopped completely he let him drop to the floor.

"Next stop, sector seven." A soothing female voice announced across the train while Cloud stared down at the man in shock.

I did that? 

Oh, that's nothing! Wait 'till you see what else a SOLDIER 1st Class can do. There was a good deal of pride in the voice as it spoke.

Who are you? Who am I? What's going on? He asked desperately.

Wow, you're in worse shape than I thought. First things first, we should get out of here before more people arrive.

There was the sound of air releasing and Cloud looked behind him as the doors slid open.

Go on, the voice urged and Cloud obeyed, releasing the pole he'd been gripping for support and stumbling out the open doors. The train whistled as it drove away.

Unsteadily, Cloud made his way off the platform. It was fairly deserted so he continued his conversation. Now, tell me what's going on, He commanded.

Don't you remember? The voice asked and then Cloud's head split in two. Memories flashed through him portrayed with all the sounds, smells and emotion that accompanied them. 

Modeohiem. Nibelhiem. Me? Gongaga. Laughter. Gongaga! Years worth of childhood dreams and aspirations. The last conversation with his parents before leaving for SOLDIER. SOLDIER 1st Class, Zack, at your service. His training, and Sephiroth. Sephiroth! It was so hot! Everything was burning! Nibelhiem and its people, friends and family. You're a SOLDIER now... He was being shot at. There were too many! So much blood! You'll be my living legacy. The emotional and physical pain overwhelmed him.

Cloud screamed at the overload and collapsed onto the ground. All the flooding memories were tinted in a vivid blue and as the last of the Mako was absorbed into him he could feel the consciousness in his head solidify.

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