Before Nibelhiem 5

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Cloud sat on the water tower kicking his feet anxiously. He had made up his mind and wanted to tell Tifa his plans but it was getting late and the December air was biting at him.

"Sorry I'm late." Tifa's voice floated from behind him as she peeked out from behind the giant cylinder containing the water.

Cloud didn't look up, still trying to muster the courage he would need. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists, half to get the blood flowing and half to reassure himself as she took a seat on the adjacent side of the well.

She gulped. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" Tifa's cheeks burned drowning out the chilling air. She looked down at her own feet to avoid eye contact.

Tifa's direct question led him straight to the point and Cloud breathed a sigh to calm himself before he looked up and put on his brave face. "Come this Spring... I'm leaving town for Midgar."

Tifa's feet began to swing as she thought about his words. A sadness came into her voice. "All the boys are leaving town." She thought briefly of Dale and Fulsion.

Cloud didn't like being compared to the others. "But I'm different from them. I'm not just going to find a job." He stood to show his determination and walked to Tifa's side. "I want to join SOLDIER." He made his objective clear then turned, looking over the rooftops. "I'm going to be the best there is just like Sephiroth!"

She was sure he had misspoken. "Sephiroth... The Great Sephiroth?" She clarified.

The boy walked around the well to the ladder on the far side and climbed to the very top of the tower as a show of how serious he was, then nodded.

Tifa clasped her hands over one of her knees. "Isn't it hard to join SOLDIER?"

Cloud silently confirmed her statement then added, "...I probably won't be able to come back to this town for a while."

The brunette couldn't help but smile at the thought coming to her and she covered her mouth as a giggle escaped her lips.

Surprised at the response, Cloud's gaze fell on her. "...Huh?"

Tifa breathed out and let her leg go allowing them both to sway in the slight breeze. "If you make it, will you be in the newspapers?" She checked.

Only thinking of himself the boy nodded and looked out at his new elevated vision. "I'll try." The thought made his heart flutter with excitement.

Tifa turned to look up at him. "Hey, let's make a promise." She was a little embarrassed but persevered. "Umm... if you get really famous and I'm ever in a pinch you'll come save me all right?"

Confused again, Cloud looked back down at her. "What?"

Tifa kept her eyes glued to her still swinging feet. "If I'm ever in trouble, my hero will come rescue me." She blushed deeply. "I want to experience that at least once."

The fourteen-year-old boy stared down at her. "What?"

Tifa could feel his eyes on the back of her head and grabbed her knee again for comfort before tilting her head back to meet his eyes. "Come on! Promise me!"

Cloud could see the seriousness in her face and nodded. "All right... I promise." He continued bowing his head reaffirming their promise to himself.

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