Before Nibelhiem 14

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Cloud placed his helmet back on his head and adjusted it.

His mother rubbed his arm. "You've grown so much."

"Thanks, Mom." He smiled and could feel his cheeks turn red.

"I know you're probably busy with responsibilities but, please, come back when you can." She slid her hand down his arm and clasped his hands.

He nodded. "I will."

She pulled him in for a final hug before allowing him to leave. He quickly ducked out into the open air and surveyed his surroundings as he tried to walk calmly away. To his relief, he didn't see anyone.

Zack came jogging out of the mansion gate. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you. If you're feeling up to it, the other guy could use a break."

Cloud nodded. "Yeah, I should be able to handle it."

"Great!" Zack clapped him on the back and walked him towards the post. "And maybe I can give you some super-secret SOLDIER training lessons!"

"That would be great!" Cloud smiled softly. "You really think I can make it?"

"Are you doubting my training?" Zack pretended to be aghast.

"No, not your training!" Cloud attempted to explain. "It's just... my ability."

"Don't you worry. You'll be squatting like a SOLDIER in no time! Oh yeah." He pumped his fists at his hips.

Cloud chuckled at Zack's enthusiasm.

Together the pair made their way to the other foot soldier at the edge of town. "We're your relief." Zack explained.

"Sir." The man saluted. "Nothing to report. All is quiet." He said, then began walking towards the inn, stretching his shoulders and back.

"Okay so squats, you feeling up to it?" Zack asked excitedly.

"Oh, you're serious?" Cloud asked surprised.

"Always. Zack Serious Fair, that's my name." He teased.

Cloud smiled again then frowned. "I don't know, I'd better not push it." He held his still sore stomach. "And I should focus on keeping watch."

"Oh, c'mon, what actually happens here?" Zack asked knowingly then winked. "Remember, I'm a backwater expert too."

"Right." Cloud readjusted his helmet. "Training it is then."

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