Before Nibelhiem 8

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Cloud's eyes wandered around the plaza to the underside of the well where he'd spent so many days watching the other children play, to the rusty truck by the entrance and back towards the abandoned Shinra mansion. It was strange and nostalgic to be back but he felt as if he were in a trance, as if none of this could truly be real. Still, he tugged at his helmet to be sure his face was covered.

As he was adjusting it, Tifa walked out of her home. She had grown significantly since he'd last seen her and Cloud felt his cheeks flush, grateful for the protection of his headgear. Intently, he looked out towards the abandoned vehicle.

Tifa approached nervously, "Um, excuse me."

Cloud tensed up, unsure how to react.

"I was just wondering if you knew anyone named Cloud." She asked her hands clenching.

Cloud contemplated telling her a fabrication that he was a great SOLDIER that had sped quickly through the ranks but she might get suspicious so he simply shook his head.

Tifa's shoulders drooped then she looked quizzically at him. "Are you not allowed to talk while on duty?"

Cloud cleared his throat, shook his head again and tried to disguise his voice. "That's not it."

Tifa smiled slyly and clasped her hands behind her back. "You think I'm cute, don't you?"

Cloud could feel his cheeks burn up and was grateful that Zack stepped out of the inn at that moment. "Excuse me." Cloud said then cringed as he realized in his desperation to escape that he'd forgotten to change his voice.

Tifa watched after him as he said something to Zack then ran inside. Zack strolled over grinning. "You scared off my officer on duty."

Tifa shrugged coldly and folded her arms. "I just asked him a few questions."

"Oh yeah?" Zack smiled knowingly, leanied on the nearby railing, and looked up at the sky. "It's quiet and peaceful here. Reminds me of my hometown. Maybe I should visit home too."

Tifa lost her hard shell. "Is it hard to become a SOLDIER?"

"It's not so hard. I mean, I managed it." Zack shrugged. "It just takes a little luck to get noticed by the higher ups."

"Because they're too busy lining their pockets." Tifa muttered and started taking her exit.

"What do you mean?" Zack called after her.

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