Before Nibelhiem 15

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Cloud heard heavy footfalls just before the false stone wall slid open. "Za... oh." He drew back at Sephiroth's dark expression as he stepped forward into the room. He looked around as if in a daze until his eyes fell on Cloud. He began moving towards him and the doorway. "Sephiroth, did Zack--"

The silver haired man grabbed his throat cutting him off. "Silence. Your pitiful existence will be ended soon enough." He threw him to the floor then walked calmly away.

Cloud coughed holding his throat as the slow yet purposeful clomp of Sephiroth's boots faded into the hallway. Cloud's eyes were wide as he stared at the floor, catching his breath. What was going on? Why was Sephiroth attacking him? Where... where was he going? Where was Tifa?! He pushed himself to his feet, still rubbing his neck as he stumbled after the SOLDIER.

The boy was at the top of the double stairs when he heard a loud crash and screams from outside. Cloud's heart thumped heavily in his ears. Was Sephiroth... attacking...? He rushed down the stairs clinging to the banister for support then clambered across the room and threw open the door.

The heat hit his face in a wave and the smoke burned his eyes. The town glowed an angry orange and in the center square Sephiroth stood, the flame of the Materia still burning in his hand. He drew it back before throwing his hand forward and a stream of flame rocketed at Tifa's house engulfing the entire front half.

Cloud was frozen in shock, unable to move as the reflection of the town burned in his eyes. Again Sephiroth readied his fiery hand. Cloud's house was the only one not aflame and Cloud's eyes overflowed with tears.

"SEPHIROTH NO!" He begged, running towards him and snatching his arm. "STOP!"

The silver-haired man slowly turned his head, his eyes looking right through Cloud, and the blankness there chilled Cloud's blood. "Insignificant pest." Sephiroth reached across his body and caught the scarf on Cloud's neck. He hoisted the boy's struggling frame into the air freeing his arm and tossed the body at his final target. Cloud hit the front wall of his home, his helmet flying off and cracking the window then he slumped into the dirt and Sephiroth lit the house behind him. Calmly, he began walking past the manor towards the silhouette of the grey mountain.

Zack then ran out of the manor and paused, stunned by the scenery. When he spotted Cloud on the ground he ran to his side. "Cloud?!"

"Sephiroth..." The boy reached toward the path to the manor side.

Zack's gaze followed his hand and they both witnessed Sephiroth glare at them before turning and disappearing into the flame.

"What's going on?" Zack shook Cloud's shoulder to keep him conscious.

Cloud coughed and waved his head. "I don't know." He fought back the tears. His body ached and his mother... She was...

"C'mon. Let's get you up." Cloud groaned as Zack pulled him to his feet. "Can you walk?"

Cloud simply stared at the ground his mind numb as it struggled to process.

"Hey, Cloud!" Zack shook him. "We've got to help those who are left. I need you!"

The boy's body waved limply and he didn't respond.

Zack spotted his helmet and snatched it up before plopping it on his friend's shoulders and gripped either side of his now covered face, forcing eye contact. "Listen up! You're a soldier now. You have a responsibility to protect people and that's what we're going to do. You're going to get through this." He commanded.

Dully, Cloud nodded.

"Good. Let's go." Zack encouraged looking back nervously as they started jogging. He couldn't imagine what his friend was going through but he couldn't let his emotions consume him yet either. He spotted two figures by a building and waved. "Hey, Gramps!"

Cloud recognized Zangen. He was older now and holding a man in his arms. He looked up as they approached. "Oh, it's you! I take it you're still sane."

Zack huffed. "Like anyone could be in this situation. Serphiroth did this, didn't he?" He inquired.

"People have called him a hero but he's just some homicidal maniac." Zangen shook his head.

"This is bad" Zack's expression was serious as he clenched his fists. "What happened to you, Sephiroth?"

"Ah!" Zangen's eyes widened. "You have to go help Tifa!"

The pair looked at him urgently but it was Zack who spoke. "What happened to Tifa?!"

Zangen nodded at the mountain. "Tifa went to the reactor to find her father but Sephiroth is there too."


Zangen continued. "She doesn't stand a chance against him. His opponent needs to be a SOLDIER like you."

"I'm no ordinary SOLDIER." Zack fixed his eyes on the mountain looming in the distance. "I'm SOLDIER 1st class." He feigned confidence and turned back to those in front of him. "Right." Zack nodded then looked at Cloud. "You stay here and help out. I'm going after Sephiroth."

Cloud saluted.

Zangen nodded his approval. "I'll go and help as soon as I can. I'm counting on you to help Tifa." He tried to impress upon Zack the seriousness of the task.

"Leave it to me." Zack smiled and with that, he disappeared into the smoke. 

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