Before Nibelhiem 18

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Tifa walked toward the station grumbling to herself. "Seriously? Don't I do enough? I'm basically running the bar by myself. And who watches Marlene when Barret's not around? It's not Jesse. You'd think one of them could do me a little favor. But no, 'Sorry Tifa, we're short on people as it is and we gotta review the plan one more time. Can't afford any mistakes.'" She made her voice deeper in a mocking manner. "And of course it's raining." She bemoaned looking up at the seam in the plates that was allowing the moisture below. Nearing the station she could faintly make out the bark of a dog over the thunder and patter of the precipitation on various discarded objects. Once she got closer she could see the animal. It had planted itself next to the body of a lean man blocking her view of him . She shook her head.  Death in the slums was all too common. The filth they lived in was a breeding ground for disease and she averted her gaze.

"...poor kid." She heard the conductor say.

Tifa's morbid curiosity got the better of her so she braced herself for what she might see and chanced a peek. No amount of preparation could've readied her for the blonde spikey hair she knew so well. Her heart stopped, it couldn't be. Cloud? Here? Was he...?

She began running towards the form on the ground attempting to keep her mind in check. He moaned, his head lulling from side to side. The dog turned to her and began panting. She smiled weakly then stepped past it and placed a hand on the man's head, steadying it. "Are you all right?" She ventured.

He mumbled inaudibly and Tifa took a deep breath before committing. She moved directly in front of him and knelt. Their eyes met and Tifa's hopes and fears were confirmed. It was Cloud. His eyes glowed a mysterious blue as they stared blankly back at her. For a moment she didn't know what to do but he blinked hard. Then his body seized up and he gripped his head. Lightning flashed across his face, lighting his expression. "... Tifa?" He blinked again. "Tifa?" He came to life, scrambling to his feet. "Tifa!"

She slowly stood, slightly confused at his actions but her relief soon overcame her. "Oh, Cloud!"

He took the hilt of the sword firmly in both hands and glared puzzlingly at the blade. "That's right. I'm Cloud." He seemed to realize as he spoke.

Tifa covered her mouth and fought back tears. "Is it really you, Cloud? I never thought I'd find you here!" She couldn't stop shaking her head in disbelief.

Cloud waved his arm non-challantly. "Yeah, it's been a while."

"What happened to you? You don't look well." She questioned.

"Yeah?" Cloud shrugged aloofly. "It's nothing. I'm okay."

Tifa turned her head scrutinizing him. Something was off but she couldn't place it. She began walking away as the sky flashed again. She looked back at him, "How long has it been?" She tested.

Cloud snatched his head again as if remembering caused him a headache. She found her own hands clasped at her chest. What was going on?

He stood straight as if nothing had happened. "Five years." He answered confidently.

Tifa scratched her head and then slowly it began shaking on its own, correcting him.

Cloud shrugged again. "What is it?"

She cleared her throat, recentering herself. "'s really been a long time." She managed. Actually, it's been seven years. She silently fixed his statement. "So what are you doing now?" She pressed.

He did his signature shrug.

I should keep an eye on him. "You know, if you're looking for work, I might have something." She offered.

He shrugged again and Tifa wondered to herself when he had started doing that.

"Well it's this way." She began walking towards the bar and Cloud silently followed.

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