Before Nibelhiem 7

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It was a knock at the door that finally woke Cloud but he was too tired to even open his eyes. His chest was sore and his body ached. He recognized the soft tread of his mother's steps on the hardwood before the creak of the door.

"Yes?" She quietly answered.

"Good evening Mrs. Strife." Cloud could almost hear Tifa's father bow. "I was wondering if I could come in and speak with you."

"Of course." The door hinges squeaked again and two pairs of footfalls moved to the table.

"How is Cloud doing?" The embarrassment in the man's voice was evident and Cloud could tell from the clarity of the soudn that he was facing him.

"He seems alright. Just tired, I think." His mother paused and then became more vibrant. "Can I get you some tea?"

"Oh, I don't want to intrude."

Cloud knew his mother so well he saw her hand wave in his head as she answered. "It's nothing. I was already boiling water anyway. Please have a seat."

"Thank you." The wooden legs made a muffled slide and the chair groaned under the weight of the man as he sat. He then cleared his throat. "I take it you met Zangan?"

"Yes, he brought Cloud home earlier and gave me a potion in case he needs it. He seems like a nice man." She smiled.

"Indeed." Mr. Lockhart answered thoughtfully. "He's offered to teach Tifa to defend herself." He sighed. "He says she's got a lot of natural talent and though I'm not fond of the idea of her learning to fight, what else can I do? She keeps getting in danger."

Cloud heard the distinct sound of water being poured into cups, the pitch increasing as they filled. "Tifa's a strong girl." His mother carefully crossed the room. "She'll be alright."

The metal tapped on the table as she set the glasses down. Tifa's father grunted in semi-agreement. "I wanted to thank you for your son's bravery today. Tifa and Zangen told me what happened."

It was Mrs. Strife's turn to sigh. "Yeah, he's pretty determined."

"Tifa's also told me that he wants to join Shinra's SOLDIER program?" He asked it as if he was double checking but Cloud could sense an ulterior motive.

"Mm." She nodded, her tone sad. "He's determined to do that too."

There was an awkward lull before Mr. Lockhart continued. "Do you really think that's a good idea, you know, with everything that's happened?" It was a loaded question. It was common knowledge that Mr. Lockhart wasn't fond of Shinra to begin with but the way he emphasized his sentence made it clear that he doubted Cloud's strength, his ability to achieve his dream. "It's just that they do a lot of fighting and, well, Cloud's not...He just..." The man fumbled but Cloud's mind filled in the gaps, Cloud's not strong, he just doesn't have what it takes. "...It's dangerous." The man finally managed. Too dangerous for Cloud to handle.

"I know." His mom whispered her voice thick. "But it's his dream, and his life. I couldn't stop him."

"But don't you worry about him?" Mr. Lockhart sought council for his own situation.

"Every day." Cloud's mother answered directly but her voice was still somber. "Cloud's not strong," She broke out and it broke Cloud's heart. The tears spilled out of her eyes accompanied by her doubts. "And it scares me to think of what he'll face out there. Did I prepare him for the world? Why is he going so far away? Did I raise him wrong? What could I have done differently?" She asked aloud for the first time then breathed to compose herself. "But, no matter how many times I think about it, I come to the same conclusion: No matter what we do or say, our children will make their own decisions. All we can do is try our best and hope and pray that the choices they make are good ones."

Cloud vowed to himself then and there that he would work hard, that he would make her proud.

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