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Y/N Pov

You come home from school and rubbed your eyes, "Another day of going to school surrounded by people I don't like." You walk over to your room and admire your hetalia poster. You wonder what life would be with the goofy characters. A sigh peaks it way up as you go to find a snack besides yourself. Walking to the kitchen, you find your favorite snack, Cheez Its. You're shocked by the amount that is left. Then again, you haven't had a day to yourself.

It was the first time you had finished your homework before you got home. You always stay up doing homework watching Markiplier but getting distracted by hearing Mark scream,"NAAAOOOOO!" and laughing till you pass out on the table.

You walk back to your room and sit on your bed, getting your Yuri on Ice blanket out and cover yourself in it. You move away your short/long (H/C) from your face and turn on the TV to Crunchyroll. You pick up the remote and snuggle up in the blanket, feeling at peace. The happiness rises as you click on the last episode of hetalia you watched.

The dorky characters jump around just being happy, you hear Italy screaming for Germany, England fighting with France, and America being a hero. You giggle as you watch the Japanese voice actors trying to speak English, and, to be honest, they did really good.

You finish the Cheez Its and put them on the floor as you turn off hetalia and check the clock. 00:37... It wasn't that late, but you have to wake up at 6:30 to grab breakfast at Dunkin Donuts (which thankfully opens at 5:00). You get out your iPad and turn on Markiplier and start to fall deep into slumber.

Y/N Dream

"Shut up you frog!" "All have you know frogs become Prince in my stories!" "Why you!" You rub your eyes and see England and France fighting. Giggling at the site, you find a seat next you Canada, "Hey Mathew, what's up?" He looks up to you, his blue eyes sparkle, "Y-You can s-see me?" You smile and nod, "Of course! How could I not?" You place a hand on his shoulder, "After all, you are a good person. We all love you, cutie!" Matthew starts to tear up and hug his bear, shocked at the fact someone called him cute.

"Whoa whoa! Are you okay?" You almost shouted, getting ready to rub his back. "I'm just really happy..." He said, his blue eyes once again filling up with happy tears. Alfred turns his head to see his brother crying, "Whoa! Dudette, what happened?" You look at the American and smile, "It's nothing~! I just wanted to tell Mathew something. I guess it was to much for him." You hear from the other side of the room, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Francis screams.

You pat Mathew on the head and walk over to Alfred. After talking for a bit, you get on the subject of Matthew. "God I love him to death." "Don't we all! Hell, even Prussia likes him!" You hear him laugh, "True true." " I wish this could never end, but it has to." You thought, sighing at the dream You were in. You feel a tap on your shoulder, "Don't worry dudette! We will come to you, we look forward to meeting you in person!" Your vision fades to black.

Y/N Pov

You sigh as you hear your screaming alarm clock, punching the box of sound till it shuts up. Sadness washed over you as you remember the dream, 'I wish I could see them in person' You start thinking of what Alfred said, but it was a dream, so you think nothing of it.

You rush off to get dressed and brush your teeth and head out the door. Finally reading the Dunkin Donuts and ordering your donut and coffee, you rush out the door while eating your food outside as you begin to enjoy the 86°F heat before it becomes a hellish 100°F. "Why must it be so hot" you pleaded to no one in particular.

You run into class with your second cup of coffee in hand, starting to see people pour in. In front of you were 12 empty seats. "That's strange... Maybe they aren't here yet, or something like that." You look at the seats and remember those people come in at the same time as all the other students, so it was concerning that they were late this time.

The teacher came up and clears his throat, "Good morning class, we have 12 new students coming to school today." "12?!?! That's a lot!" You place your face in your hands and wait till he finishes naming the kids."The students names are, Alfred Jones, Mathew Williams,Wang Yao,Arther Kirkland, Fancis Bonnefoy, Ludwig Belischmidt, Feliciano Vargas, Honda Kiku, Gilbert Beilschmidt, Ivan Buraginsuki, Lovino Vargas, and Antonto Feràndex."

You hear the names being called out one by one, head still buried inside you arms. You have heard those names before... they are Hetalia's characters human names. You slowly look up to see a smiling group of people looking your way. Your eyes widen, you feel sick to your stomach, and raise your hand to go to the bathroom. You have never run that much in your life, you get to the bathroom and you feel like you're going to pass out. "That's them... That's really them!"

You sit on the seat which felt to be a good 2 minutes, then stood up to wash your face and hands to not look weird

When you returned to your seat, you see the French man turn and wink, the American smile and wave, the Brit nod his head, the Italians smile and wink, the Spanish jump up and down from his seat and wave, the Chinese mouths hello there aru, the Germans smile and nod, the Canadian smile sweetly, the Japanese bows a bit and smiles, and the Russian gives you a death glare then smiles.

You smile and wave in response. While scared, yet highly interested on how they got here, you wonder how y'all are going to become friends..

Maybe more?

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