Die Brüder (C. Lidwig and C.Gilbert)

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(y/n) Pov

You wake up to little punches on your back, you sigh amd turn over to see who is doing it, you see Chibi Gilbert hitting you and Chibi Ludwig watching by the bed side. You smile and fall of the bed on propose, you thought it would make them laugh but heard little whimpers. You turn over to see a tiny Gilbert rushing to you, tears and a worried expression on his face. Behind him you can see a horrified Ludwig, he slowly walks up to you while Gilbert body slams you. You hug him in one arm and you motion your other arm to invite Ludwig for a hug,"Shhh... I'm okay, I'm okay..." You almost die when they both snuggle into your chest.

A knock comes from the door, you pick up both of the children and walk to the door. It opens and you see Vikor at the door, Gilbert pokes his head out to see Vikor, he regrets it and places his head back in your chest. Vikor sighs,"Breakfast is ready, we hear a thump. Is everything okay?" You smile and nod,"I tired to make the little ones laugh, but that didn't work in the end and they ran to my arms... They are a bunch of cuties..." You start to rock them in your arms, you can hear their little coo's and giggle.

"Thank you for checking in on me, Vikor."
"No problem, the kids wanted Mats and Mathews pancakes, so we made that."
"Cool! Thank you for telling me this, I'll meet you downstairs."

Vikor leaves and you pet the kids heads, you can feel them smile,"You excited for pancakes?" You got a Mmhm from little Gilbert and a silent nod from little Ludwig. You lifted them up to your shoulders and carried then that way, feeling them hold on to your head for dear life. You make sure they don't fall and start to walk downstairs. You pass running children and adults, giggling at the fact that little Gil-bird is on little Gilbert head. You walk into the first step on the stairs and feel the blood cut off from your neck, you pull the kids into your arms, peting them,"It's okay... I got you!" You walk down the stairs without any problems, setting the children down on the couch.

You head towards the kitchen, trying to see if food was ready. You see Mat and Mathew flipping pancakes on three cookers, each with two stoves. You see plates being set by Ludwig, working on on the powered suger and strawberry designs. You clear the couch from the 2p's amd make room for all the Chibis, placing soft fluffy blankets for the ones who dont get to sit on the couch. You hear a bell ring and you peak your head into the kitchen,"I have six pancakes ready, who wants them?" Mat speaks, all of the children but two raise their hand. Of course the shy ones don't raise their hands, you softly smile and pick up the pancakes.

You bring the first two to little Mathew, little Ludwig, and little Gilen, the shy cinnamon rolls of the pack. You hand them the pancakes with a soft smile,"Here you go, eat up you three." You coo softly, they nod and eat the food, their eyes lighting up. You hand the rest to the other kids, they awe at the skillfully placed strawberries and beautiful power suger design. Even so, they eat it all up. You act like the mom of the group, cleaning their faces and making sure the older ones don't gang up on their food. Al was the one who wanted the food the most, you slapped him everytime he tried to grab the plates and run up the stairs.

After food service was then, you picked up the paper plates and threw them in the trash. You made sure to put the blankets in the washer to clean them off, it was needed after all the mess on them. You look at some of the kids, about 5 of them needed a bath. You sigh,"Okay! Chibi Ludwig, Gilbert, Al, Kuro, and Feli need a bath. You choose who you want to wash you, so hold the hand of the person you want!" And just like that, all of the children came rushing to you, the shy ones burying themself into your waist. You pet them and lead the children to the baths, to your surprise, they can all fit in the master bath. You get the help of Mat to wash the kids.

You find some bubbles that were laying around in the cabinets, you place them in the bath and let the children splash around. The shy ones wanted to have a bath of their own, so you took them to your bath. You turn on the water and make sure that the water is warm, you take off the clothes of the chibis and put them into the water. You look over at Chibi Ludwig in the cornor of the bath, he looked sad,"What's wrong?" He looks up into your eyes,"Brüder... Ich will meinen bruder..." You could understand what he said, you don't speak German, but you can kinda understand it. You nod,"I'll go get him..."

You walk to the master bath and open the door, you look inside to see Mat without his shirt on. You close the door and knock on the door,"Can I have Gilbert, his brother wants him. Can you wrap him up and give him to me?" You heard him get out of the bath and get wrapped up in a towel, the door opens and you see Mat shirtless. You face down and take Chibi Ludwig, Mat lifts your chin up,"Well aren't you adorable?" You look away, he kisses you then walks about to the children.

You take Gilbert to Ludwig and finish the bath, you thank Xiao for watching the kids and finish washing them up. You drain the bath and dry them all off, making sure that they don't drip all over the floor. You dress them up and comb their hair, making sure they look nice and smell nice. You take the shy ones to your room to watch a movie, all cuddle around you. Little Gilbert and Ludwig snuggle against you more, you smile. You hear a snore and look to Chibi Ludwig,"Sweet dream..." You pet him as you close your eyes and start to sleep.

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