OP (Kuro) ×°×

207 9 4

NSFW warning •^•
Y/N Pov

You are now pinned to the bed by Kuro, mouths intertwined. You both pull out for air,"Please, Kuro I really don't we shouldn't be doing this. It doesn't feel right, just please..." He smiles"Oh dear (Y/N), my sweet, sweet (Y/N). Right now all I'm worried about is seeing if your a virgin or not." One of his hands grabs one of you breasts, the other still keeping you pinned. As soon as you feel the impact your hand reached for his hand to slap him away, he takes his hand off and puts it to the side of you.

He leans over to your ear,"Naughty girl," he purrs into your ear, making you shiver,"You leave me no choice, but I must." He gets up and you book it to the door, only to find out that it was locked. You feel hands around your neck,"Come on, let's get to it." He ties up your hands up in ropes, you struggle to get out of his grasp but to no avail. He leads you to the bed and ties you to the bed,"I can't wait to see you helpless, begging me to stop the pain while the same time suppressing a moan and your pleasure."

You are shaking in your boots, well if had any on right now. All you have on right now is your shorts and a shirt that is half way up, a few inches from showing your bra. You are now tied up, from your hands to your feet. You realize the situation you are in and try to scream, Kuro also realized what you are about to do and grabs a little bit of cloth that was next to your bed and puts it in your mouth. "I will still be able to hear your screams of pleasure, don't worry."

Your eyes widen as he starts to pull off your shirt,"Mhmhmnm!!!" He smiles," Don't worry I'll be gentle." "Smmt." He laughs, he continues to take off your shirt. Exposing your (F/C) bra, you can't believe this is happening. You only seen this in lemons, wait lemons. You suddenly get and idea, usually the girl or uke character is weak and gives up. So if you continue until he is mad he probably have up, wait no. If you play along he will untie you and you can push him off, you can scream for help and have the boys rush in again.

He touches one of your breast and feels your thigh with the other hand. You let a moan and he continues to feel you, this is all part of the plan and it seems to be coming along nicely. He starts to pull down your shorts and you start to get worried, he feels the rim of your bra and panties and you are guessing he wants to take them off. You give him the just do it look and he takes off your bra, oh God oh God oh God. This was not planned like at all!

He starts to suck you left breast and play with other, you moan for both reasons. He takes out the shirt in your mouth and begins to kiss you deeply, of course he sticks his tongue in. He holds himself up while still on your right breast. You moan into the kiss and feel something run down your leg, oh no, your worst nightmare.

He pulls out and you scream,"HELP!" Kuro puts his hands on your mouth, you hear footsteps run to the door. You see lugwig kick down the door and stop, he pushes Kuro off while trying his best not to look at you. Gilbert and Gillen look away blushing as Mathieu and Mathew help you out without looking, of course blushing.  Alfred gives you back your bra and shirt and helps you up, yes he is flustered but he is seriously trying to help you. Lutzs and Ludwig have Kuro on the floor with hands behind his back with ludwigs knee on Kuros head.

You get dressed and see the rest of the house behind Gilbert and Gillen, the Germans lead Kuro to the cage that Allen's in. You can see that either they want to stab each other in the heart or want to high five about what just happened, it's hard to tell.

You are still in bed, shaking like a mad man. Both of the 1p Italian brothers pull you into a hug, you push them away at first but give in to their hugs. Gillen and Gilbert follow, then Ludwig, then Wang, and soon all of the 1p's and a little bit of the 2p's hug you to you all over. "I need to take a shower, I'll see you guys later..."


You are curled up in a ball on your bed covered in your Yuri on Ice blanket, it was the weirdest thing you have ever experienced in your life. You really didn't want it to happen irl, it was just a thought that crossed your mind so you looked it up. You pull out your iPad and start to watch some Markiplier,you see his new video which makes you happy and forget about for a while.

Feli walks in,"Hey Bella... Are you okay, if you want me to leave... I-a understand..." He look up and rip out your earphones and run up and hug Feli,"I'm so scared for you Bella! I don't want you to feel unsafe around us, I want you to be happy that we are here. Not fear that you are going to be tied up on the bed, about to get rap!-" "Shhh, it's okay Feli. It's okay, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay actually, to help me feel better falling asleep."

He rubs your back, he looks up to your (E/C) orbs and you see a tear down his face, you kiss his cheek and you yawn. You go to your bed and lay down, Feli next to you singing his Jet ending. You drift off to sleep knowing you are safe, you let out a single tear before finally going to Dream Land.


Sorry this one was short, I was a little scared to release this chapter. Hope you enjoy it at least a little bit, heh. Wish y'all a good day/afternoon/night!

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