Doll (Allen)

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Y/N Pov

You pick up your phone and head to the door, you open it and see Al leaning on the wall in front of you. You try to walk away because you can see the bat with all the nails,"Hey doll face, where ya going without saying hi to me?" You turn around,"Hi Al, what do you want?" He laughs,"Just want to say hi to my favorite doll." You laugh,"I'm sure you've seen better, now I'll be on my way." His puts his arms around your waist,"Come on, don't be so stubborn." You try to elbow him but he holds on,"Come on babe, let's just skip breakfast." You could pull a pervert call move but, to be honest they are more perverted than the original countries.

You hit him again, finally he falls back and you run downstairs to the kitchen. You see all the countries together, its confusing at first but you figure them out. You sit next to lugwig, Allen soon join the party and sits next to you. You sigh but you have to enjoy the pancakes that Mattieu has made for breakfast. You are just happy that they are out of the bounds, you start to eat,"This is good!" Mattieu smiles,"Thank you, I'm glad." He gives a little wink, you can see Matthew scared out of his mind, you whisper to him,"Don't worry, your pancakes are better." Mathew gives you a smile.

You eat your pancakes happily then you feel someone rubbing your thigh, you look at the hand and it leads to Allen's arm. You smack it off and he gives you puppy dog eyes, you mouth no and he backs off. Gilen hands you a paper, you just remembered that he is mute. It's going to be a little bit harder for you and him to talk, the note reads

You probably don't want to piss off Al, last time someone did that they almost died. Not saying you are going to die, we like you to much to do that. But if you want some mental scares then be my guest mädchen, I really don't want you to get in trouble.

He gives you another note, Al doesn't notice because he is to busy talking with everyone else.

The best thing for you to do right now is to do the simple stuff, let him rub you leg.

You stop reading to look at him, he shrugges and points for you to keep reading.

If it gets to much call any of the following
Basically any of us, you can also call any of the other countries but I would prefer you to call any of us because only we know of his true power. After you read this put it into your pocket and burn it, I really don't want him to see it.

You nod at him and you continue to eat, he gives you a smile knowing what you mean. You start to eat your pancakes and put the notes into your PJ's pockets. Allen starts to rub your leg again, you tense up at first but relax because you see his bat next to his chair. You are crying on the inside but smiling and laughing at the countries jokes,"Hey Y/N you okay, your face is red." Lugwig says, you get a plan to get out of this. Because of everything happening with Allen your face is hot,"I feel like I have a fever, I should leave to prevent you guys from getting sick." You fake a frown and walk off and place the plate on the counter,"Sorry I couldn't help you with the dishes this time Antonto." You feel sorry for him,"Naw don't worry about it chica, you are sick so go rest."

You head upstairs and make sure no one is following you, no one was. You get on your phone and rest you head on the pillow, it's been an eventful week for you. Summer break, the countries joining you, and the 2p's joining you all in one week! You grab your iPad and start to watch Markiplier, you put on headphones and watch his welcome to the game 2 streams. Yes it was old, 4/10/18 to be exact. It was nice to be by yourself and not be watched or interrupted by the 2p's coming in your room at random times while you are chilling with Mattieu. But you can't be to picky, you go he others out of the bounds.

You look up to the sound of the door opening,"Hey doll face, I got you something to drink. It's tea, Arther made it." You sit up from your head,"Oh, thank you so much Allen!" "Please, call me Al." You smile,"Thank you Al." You take the cup and drink the tea, you heard tea makes you sleepy but not this sleepy. Before you completely black you hear,"Good night doll face."


You wake up with Al's lips on yours, you start to panic and Al pulls out. You check the time, 12:37 pm. You struggle to breath,"Man doll face you are cute when you are sleeping! I couldn't help myself." He smiles and licks his lips, you shiver. You try to get out but you are now the person in bounds. "Why are you doing this Allen!" He smashes his hand on you nightstand,"I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME Al!" He screams, you let out a little yell. You get ready to yell but Al picks up his bat, you close your mouth. You look down at yourself, everything seems in order, everything is on.

Al comes close to you, you look up at his cold lustful eyes. Your screwed, like really screwed,"Come on doll face, let have some fun." He coos into your ear, he climbs on top of you. You didn't really want this to happen in real life, you just wanted it to be over. He leans in and kisses you deeply, he licks your lips for entrance but you don't give up. He starts to rub your leg, he takes a nail from his bat and start to rub it on your leg, you won't let him get in. Al pulls out for air and starts to kiss your neck, he knows he found your spot because you tense up. You won't yourself-" Mmm." God damnit!

He smiles at you, he pulls into a deep kiss. He licks your bottom lip again but you don't open, at this point he is a little mad. He grabs your thigh with the force of a thousand sun's, you let out a gasp which let's him in. He fights you for dominance, of course you don't win so he begins to explore.

e goes for air and you sees perfect chance to kick him in the no god please no spot. You kick him and he flies off the bed, he makes a loud thump noise. You hear foot steps and Gilen breaks down the door, behind him is Ludwig, Gilbert, Romano, Wang, Kiku, Matthew, and Mattieu. Lugwig, Wang, Gilbert, Romano, and Kiku go to beat up Al while  Matthew, Gilen, and Mattieu go to help you get out of the bounds. You can't hear the pain in Gilen but you can see it.

You get out and your wrist hurt, Al is on the floor with Lugwig puts him on his shoulder while Mattieu watchs for anything weird. All the 2p's besides Mattieu and Gilen stay behind along with the other countries,"Are you a-okay Y/N!" Feli runs at you taking you and him down on the bed. You rub his back,"Yes I'm fine." Gilen hands you a paper.

I'm so sorry for letting this happen, please forgive me, I won't ask for anything else but for his once please forgive me!

You take Feli off yourself and walk up to the now sobbing Gilen, you hug him and feel tears on your shoulder,"Don't feel bad, this wasn't your fault. Please don't say that, I'll always help you and you don't have to be afraid to ask me for anything. I'll be there for you no matter what!"

In the end Al was but under extreme watch, if he tried to get near you he would be kicked in the stomach by Ludwig or Mattieu and but into the man cave and be watched by Xiao. He would wink when he would pass you, you would hear him call you every time you came upstairs,"Let's have some more fun!" You just walk away to bed.


You sit up in your bed thinking about what happened a few hours ago,"Ugh!" You lay in your bed, Gilen is staying with you to make you feel safe with him. You look into his beautiful red eyes and smile, he gives you a confused look. You point to his eyes,"Your eyes are beautiful, I feel safe when I look at then." He blushes and smiles, he writes thank you on a little note pad he has. He sits down and rubs your back as you drift off to sleep, you never want to leave this spot as long as you live.

You want to stay with them

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