BAKA! Tomato (Andres)

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(y/n) Pov

You arrive back home, boba in hand and a big smile. You turn around to wave goodbye but then see him get out of the car, oh no. You run up to him,"Are you coming inside?" You ask with a smile, trying to hide every fear that you have right now. He smiles,"Yeah! I've always wanted to go in your house! Play all the games you talk about having, and just having fun." You laugh,"Let me get all of that ready, please stay right here!" You walk inside the house, you can already see people sitting down on the couch.

You text Ludwig to text everyone that they need to get out of the house. In a matter of few seconds everyone's phone buzzes, they look up at you. You nod and they rush to the backyard to jump the fence, you see Andres sitting at the table and you tell him that he should drive to the park to pick some people up. He doesn't respond, you put your hands together,"Please! You're the only one who he knows so far, so please!" His face softens, he sighs,"Fine! I'll do it, not because you asked me though! Because one of the brothers are here, and they probably need my help!"

You see everyone pile to the backyard, you see the usual people who are together all the time together, you see Andres walk out the door. You close the blinds once everyone was out of the house, of course you make sure they all have money for themselves. But now they look like a bunch of dorks wearing anime stuff, they will get tons of stuff in Walmart if they go there... Some people will hang out at the park, some might hey dropped off to get some lunch, other just might walk around! You don't know, but all you know is that Malakye isn't-

"Is that Mathew from Hetalia?!"

You turn around to see Malakye in the house and Mathew on the stairs in his normal wear, you thought he was outside with Gilbert! The outside door opens,"Hey Frau! Have you- oh..." The Matt come out,"Where is he?," He looks at Malakye in the eyes," Oh hi, is this the man you didn't want for him to see us." You sigh, then you turn to Malakye," Now you know that I have people living in my house, Mat! Can you invite everyone back inside!"

Mat goes to the door and opens the door, everyone starts to pour in. Malakye sits down and screams into pillow,"This has to be a dream! This has to be a dream! This can't be real!" You laugh,"I had that moment too, after a week or two you will get used to it, but 24 guys in the house is hard.. But we make it work!" He looks up at you with a smile, tears in his eyes, you knew he really liked Hetalia. The 2p's stay in the kitchen while the 1p's get into the living room, he smiles,"You guys are real! How and why are you guys here!"

Feli jumps out and hugs you from behind,"Ve~ it's because (y/n) here wished for us to be here, we already wanted to go to her but when she wished us here, that's when we broke." You look at Malakye's face and he looks scared, you turn a bit to see Andres. You tap Feli and he sees, he runs to Ludwig. Andres put his hand on your shoulder,"If you touch her... I'll personally kill you..." You turn around and his Andres on the head,"Don't be mean!" He turns around and walks back to the kitchen.

You sigh,"I'm sorry about him, to be honest I didn't even notice him that much... But for some reason he is starting to come out more, sometimes I hear him but it's not often." You heard a tch in the background, probably from Andres. You clap your hands,"How about we let Malakye stay for a bit! But he must promise not to tell anyone, an if he does then Oliver can make him into cupcakes!" Malakye's face went from a smile to a frown,"I agree to not tell anyone, not even Sarah!"

You giggle,"I'm joking, I'll punch Oliver if he does that!" "Why didn't you say kill him like you do with everyone else?" You point over to Matt,"Then he'll kill me..." Matt gives a little wave, you shiver.


You lay down in bed and check the time, 6:35 pm. You face down in your pillow, and sigh. You didn't really want to have Malakye find out about your friends, but I guess he did. He was texting you when he could come over again, you smiled at the dork. You lay down ready to be called for dinner, you turn over and see the door opening. You sit up, but finding out who it was you lay back down. He comes in with a card and gives it to you,"Open it! It's not for you or anything... I want to make sure it's okay for the other person..."

You smile and pick up the letter, it was a card with a tomato on it, on the writing it said,"Get better soon!" In pop art... You open up the letter to a little Romano drawing, you see something in it's hand, it's a music box. Then some music starts to play, it's Delicious Tomato from the 1p Romano, you smile at the song. Then at the middle of the song it stops, a chibi voice comes on and says,"Look up for a surprise!"

You look up and see Andres with a big smile and bag full of white powder, you tilt your head. Then he takes some out of the bag, he makes a throwing gesture then...

You feel or see nothing at all...

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