How Awesome Are Jou? (Gilbert)

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He says in his usually fun happy go luck voice,"I want to have some fun with you before you eat! All the other people have so it's my turn, I won't be as bad as them though."

"I'm hungry as well, but not for food..."

(y/n) Pov

With that Gilbert pushed you on the bed, but when he did, you noticed that he put tons of pillows on the bed. You try to wiggle out but it was no use,"If jou don't wiggle it won't hurt as much." He put his leg in between your legs and leaned in you his you. But this time, on the lip.

It wasn't just any kiss, he went straight in for the french kiss. You could feel it in his lips and tongue that he has wanting, no, craving for your taste. He pulls out with a spit string still connecting you, your face is bright red. You can't talk, it was a good kiss, you got to admit that. Gilbert laughs, but not his usually one. It is more of a deep and sinister, like he is about to do something.

He looks over your body, from past experience you think is is going to take off you shirt. You start to plead,"Please, don't do what I think you are going to do!" His face turns into a sad one, he gets off of you. He smiles,"I would never do anything you won't like, that isn't me. You are one of the nicest girls that I've ever known, and I've always been your friend. I waited this long because I didn't know what kind of girl you are." You sat up and sat next to him,"Most women I meet just want to get right into it, you know, sex."

Then he puts his hand around you neck, he started to scratch you head,"But now that was a long time ago, when I was still a country. As long I have (y/n) I will be satisfied."

And before anything else could happen Matt called up,"Are you love birds done! Food's ready!" You blush. You get up and head downstairs, you punch Matt in the arm as you go to sit down. He rubs the spot and says in a playful ton,"Oh that hurt so much, please, I bet of you not to do it again." He sets down a plate of pancakes and some maple syrup.

He bring a pan with sizzling maple bacon up to you and places it on the plate. One of the oil hits you but it only made you flinch because of the sudden action. You thank Matt and he walks away to clean up with Antonio, which now that you think about it Antonio is always the maid of the house.

The tables have turned, but then you get another idea. You finish you pancakes and run to the car, of course with keys in hand. Then you get an even better idea, you head back inside and go by the stairs. You call out,"ROMANO!" You hear running footsteps,"What do you want bastar- oh hey (y/n)." You smile. You point to the keys, he understands and heads to the car with you.

He tries to get in the passenger seat when you side over, blocking his path. You remember when Feli drives in the one episode, you are sure that his brother is the same way,"What are you doing?" He asked you, not knowing what you are doing. You smiled and said,"You are not driving." He opened his mouth to argue, but he knows that you won't give up. He runs around to the other side of the car and gets in.

You lock the doors, turn on the car, seat belts, so on and so forth and get on the road to Walmart. The ride was nice, it was a good day to completely ruin someone else's. What was your plan, to get Antonio in a maid costume. You keep your eyes on the road,"Do you might be wondering why are you hear," you asked," the answers simple, I wanted you to come and help me get Antonio into a maid costume!" He turns to you,"Well I'm glad you asked me to come!"

You arrive to Walmart and go to the halloween spot (if it's not halloween then just find a maid costume) and look the sizes. You look to Romano to help,"What? I don't know this size, why would you think I know this size?" You cough, Romano sighs. He lookes through the costumes and picks out the right one, it looked about right so you went with it. Romano went to go to the bathroom so you went to get a coffee. Small coffee and frys will do.

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