7 Minutes In Heaven (China)

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After Alferd summoned the girls, Belgium, Hungary, Taiwan, and Seychelles. Of course Russia begged for Belarus to come so Alfred being nice he agreed, you get along with the girls nicely. You talk for awhile till you guys have to place objects to play, you place a ring in the hat and mix it up with the rest. Prussia is hosting the game so he gets the hat, as soon as you placed your object you regret what you did. You already asked to get out of the game but it was too late, your fate was sealed to play this game with the boys.

You all sit in a circle, you are sitting next to Germany and Russia, the two tallest dudes here. "Alright the objects are mixed, I'll start! Let the games begin!" Prussia runs his hands in the hat and pulls out a plush White Bear, Canada's bear. Canada is blushing like crazy and goes to the closet, the door closes and you hear a hand slam on the wall, a ekk, then kissing noises. You start to blush, the boys are kissing in real life! This has to be the best day for you ever! The seven minutes pass and Canada is almost about to pass out, his face is red like Spain's tomato's.

It's America's turn to play, he sticks his hand in and pulls out China's object. It's an unexpected pair but it was okay, they get into the closet and you hear,"Well this is akward, ar-" he got cut off by America kissing him. You could tell the kiss was deep, again your face was red and hot. It gets spicy as you hear a quiet moan come from the closet, luckily times up and you find America on China's neck, that was the weirdest thing you will see all night. You thought that only that happened in fanfics but it turns out it happens when the guys are wasted.

It was Italys turn and he pulled out a sun flower, it was the Russians,"Let's go da." The tallest guy here with a short guy is bound to be good, turns out you were wrong. You couldn't really hear anything so you assume it was a nice soft kiss, you hear a soft slam in the wall. Holy scheiße stuffs getting real, but times up before anything happens.

After that match it was Taiwan's turn, she pulls outs a hamburger, we all turn to Alfred. He gets in the closet with Taiwan and we wait, and wait, and wait. Then we hear a slam the make us all jump and fall over. We hear kissing then a slap followed along with,"PERV!" You can guess what happened, she comes storming out and Alferd giving a butt hurt face.

America was being watched by Prussia who smacked him for what he did, it was now Germany's turn you get nervous because you are next. Once again poor Canada gets picked, Germany makes a face of pity so you know that he is going to be gentle. They both get up and walk in the closet, you can here then talk confirming the kiss and how Canada would feel most comfortable. You hear a small kiss sound so you assumed it was on the cheek, nothing really happened that round.

So now it's your turn, of course you tried the bathroom sneak out but even when they are this drunk they knew. I sigh and place your hand in the hat, you pull China's object. I'm shaking at this point, China gives you a reassuring pat on the head and you go in with him. "So what now." "I believe we kiss, aru." You get yourself prepared for the kiss, kissing one of the hetalia guys is one of the things that you have thought of but it never really got far in your head. China leans in and BOOM, fireworks! We start to kiss and it feels amazing, you have never been happier. All the bad thoughts just picked up their bags and left, the kiss was getting deep. We have to pull away for air before you get back into it, because you need air to live. We get back into it and he licks your lips for entrance, you are hesitate at first but you let him. He explores your cavern from top to bottom, your tongues intertwine and fight for dominance, I was no match for China. You pull out for air as the door opens, it toke you the walk back to your seat to realize what just happened. You feel yourself start to feel dizzy, luckily you didn't pass out because of Germany checking you.

Russia gets the hat and we are all nervous, though he was gentle with Italy you never know when will happen with Russia. Russia pulls out Prussias plush bird, oh god this is going to be bad (good). They both look at each other, they both want to be dominate. You hear clinking in the closet, it was the weirdest think you've heard all night. A mix of clinking, slamming, a little mix of moans, cook at a spicy 9,000°F and BAM, a cake of confusion. It ends with both of the men red, not from the kissing but fro anger. You were confused, but you liked it.


Everyone has gone and everyone is happy, at this point in time it was 1:35 am, it was late. Everyone has picked their partners for the night, the girls have left and you are alone. You make sure to be the mom of the house you help clean and put everyone to bed. Everyone was asleep at this point, you finally get the bed to yourself! Hell ya! I lay down on the bed and sigh,"Well what a day." I role in I bed and place the blanket over me, I spread out on the bed and fall asleep. A few minutes later you feel something come in bed with you, you turn over and it's China. Before you can say anything he leans in and kisses you, you can smell whatever his been drinking. It was a soft kiss and you can tell he meant it, it was nice. You turn over and you feel his hands make his to your wat and pull you closer, you didn't mind as it was conferrable. You turn around one last time and kiss him on the forehead,"Goodnight Wang, let's hope you don't get to sick in the morning." He pulled you closer, giving off that never gonna let you go vibe. Oh how funny this was going to be when they notice what they did in the morning.


You wake up to a scream which makes you jump, it was China. You can him him panic,"W-what did we do last night aru?" "We'll go morning to you too, we didn't do anything to bad." "Oh thank go- then what did we do." You blush at the thought,"Well be kisses, it was deep. You also kissed Alferd an-" "Ya I remember know, I can't believe I kissed you, aru..."  "It's fine, I didn't mind to much, me and the girls were the only ones not drunk, well Russia too but you get what I mean." He laughs "I understand." It was fun till you hear a screams, stuff like "What did we do" "What happened" "Did we... Do it..." That one made you giggle.

After you clear up the confusion and almost made everyone want to die you guys have breakfast, you turn around and see China,"Oh hi! Is there som-" you where cut off by China's lips being on yours, it was a quick peck. You almost passed out but was caught by China,"This time I'm not drunk, aru." The the guys stare in disbelief, then do the OoOoOo thing. You don't really care right now, you are just happy that you are making good friends.

Maybe more than that


All the pairs were chosen by random draw

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