Thats Amore (Italy)

408 16 11

Y/N Pov

You look at the clock on your phone, 5:15 pm, it's still early and it's Italys turn to make dinner. You already know what it's going to be, his favorite dish pasta. The last time you had pasta was when Alfred got you a burger, your mouth waters remembering the taste. You get back to playing the game on your phone, it took up most of your space but it was worth throwing your phone across the room from not being able to get rid of the notification. You learned not to throw your phone again because you would make the countries worry about you, you don't do it anyone or you put a pillow on the floor so you can throw it safely on the floor with any noise.

You look back at your phone, 5:30, the same time your checked you hear a faint,"Dinner is a-ready!" You jump out of bed and run past everyone and everything, you are the first one to the table, Italy smiles. Everyone else shows up and Italy grabes the plates and begins to plate the food, you jump up and down in your seat. You sit next to Italy and England, you smile as you eat your food,"Do you like my pasta?" Italy smiles,"Who couldn't like your pasta, it's really good. Any who doesn't like it doesn't know real food, of course unless they sick to some of the ingredients but still!" He smiles and hugs you,"Ve~ glad you like it Y/N, you make me happy." For. second you tense up but you accept the hug, you pull out of the hug and go back to eating.

You finish dinner and clean up, you guys decide to watch a movie, of course it would be fitting to watch a Japanese horror movie, ya sure. You guys choose One Missed Call, you've never seen it before so you are excited, you ask Japan how scary it is. He doesn't answer so it must be scary, you get excited! You get popcorn and snacks ready and sit next to Italy, Germany, and America.

*** (I've never watched the movie)

By the end of the movie America was frozen and Italy was holding yours and Germanys hand, the last jump scare sends Italy flying into your lap and arms. You jump a bit at the moment, you thought he would jump in Germanys lap but you were the closest at the time. You just let it happen, he had his arms around you and it was the cutest but you were afraid of you dropping him or something else. Germany got up to get a blanket to put around us, he knows you guys are going to be there for a while, that's what happens when Italy watchs a horror movie.

Germany comes out with a blanket and my phone, I say thank you and he walks away to get the bed ready for tonight. You check the time 7:29 pm, it's still early in the night but oh well. Italy hugs you tightly as you have an idea to make him feel safer, you grab your phone and look up the cast from the movie. "Here Feli look, these are the people who acted out the movie. She look at the pretty woman, they aren't as scary anymore!" You give him a reassuring pat on the head, he looks at the phone,"Where is the a-pretty woman?" Oof... "One right here! See, nothing to be scared about!" You looks up and says,"The only pretty girls I see is France and you." Oh damn, you laugh a bit then the words and you  reach your ears.

You blush a bit and smile,"Thank you for that, it means alot!" You feel his grip tighten around you,"I'm still scared, can I sleep with you tonight..." "Sure, I don't mind if you don't mind." He looks up with his eyes glistening in the light in the room,"Thank you bella!" You take him upstairs to the room and get the bed ready, he runs to tell Germany the he will be with me tonight, he says okay as long as he isn't annoying. You can hear the conversation and you laugh a little, you the sheets ready and the pillows nice and neat. You dig out a old night light just in case he needs to have some light, he comes back with a smile on his face. You has his PJS on and you leave to get ready.

You get back to the room and you see Italy in your bed with the blankets on top of his head, you go to pat his head and he jumps. "Please don't a-hurt me!" You take your hand off,"It's just me Feli, you are fine." He calms down,"Oh it's just you bella." You lift the covers and you see him with tears in his eyes, your smile turns into a frown. You see him get up and hug you, he pulls you closer to him, he gives you a nice soft kiss. You kiss back and lay down under the covers, you feel hands go around you. You feel safe with him, you start to feel yourself drift off to sleep.

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