Cut Through (Xiao)

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Y/N Pov

You wake up in your bed, another day another dream. It was nice while it lasted, it was nice to see Mathias again. You take your head out of the pillow and turn to face the edge of your bed, you see a wide-faced man twirling a knife. At this point, you aren't even surprised, "Xiao, its," you roll to the other side of the bed to see the time, "10:30, what do you want?"

He smiled, stopping the knife in his hand. You sat up and pulled the covers over you, Xiao came closer to you and sat right beside you, "Lutz told me to come up here and ask what you wanted to eat, so what will it be?" You looked at him as he pulled out some type of drink, probably some alcohol in it but meh, he's not as bad as the French and Lutz. You wanted to go back to sleep or stay and bed and watch Akira Dubs or something like that, but the food part is also good. You get out from under the covers and look him in the eyes," Crepes..." He looks at you confused, then his eyes light up,"Oh yes!"

He walks out of the room and you roll on the bed, you didn't want to go but the food was the tie breaker, and chosing! That's even better! You get up and pick put your favorite piece of clothing on and good out the door. You brush your teeth because that's gross, you don't want to smell bad when you are getting free food!

You come out of the bathroom and walk down the hall to the stairs, you see Xiao right by the steps you are going down, welp. But like a normal person he was just waiting for you, perfect,"You alright, you seem tense." He asked as you grabbed the hand rail,"Eh I'm fine, just got some flashbacks to like literally a few days ago, but I want some food!" You release your shoulders and run down the stairs, letting go of the hand rails you dash past the other like a little kid on Christmas. You found you seat with a fresh batch of crepes with cherry filling (or whatever filling you like) with some of that good VIP cream (Yes I put VIP).

As soon as you tried some of the crepes it melted in your mouth, other plates started to come out and other started to sit down. The sweetness and cream together make the perfect combination, it was just what you needed. This was the first time you sat at the table for a awhile, you started a chat with Mathew and Matt, just about pancakes. "So what kind of things do you do with maple syrup in Canada besides pancakes?" You asked, of course not talking about other stupid things like waffles,"Well..." Mathew squeaks, Mats eyes light up,"We get to make this super cool thing pop with snow and boiled maple! I loved to make it with Matty when I could, it was good times."

The conversation ended a short time later, when you finish all your food. You were about to go upstairs but you saw Matt ruffle Mathews hair,"CUTE!" You shouted as you heard a,"Kawaii..." From kiku (This was cringe to write but it's the truth). You ran back upstairs to find Antonio playing with Romano, Mario kart if you will. You were pretty good at it so it wasn't a problem with the boys, expect Alfred thought. You walked in the man cave and saw Antonio in first and Romano in fifth,"Hey can I join in?" You asked the boys, you heard the sound of the round ending, good thing it was the last round.

Antonio jumped up and down in the blow up bed, making Romano bounce up and down. It was a cute and funny sigh, but Romano was salty about the loss,"Tomato bastard..." With a quick Fangirl/Power of 2000 tomato's Antonio grabbed Romano and placed him in his lap. He started to rub his hair in a playful manner, then it all stopped. The most Koro-Sensei smile came into Antonios face, he went by Romanos ear, which made him shudder, and whispered to what you could out out as,"At least I didn't use to be a bed wetter."

In a millia second, Romano punched Antonio in the face, he was out cold. He had tears in his eyes, it looked like from what Antonio told him and how he punched him. Romano gave you a side glare and gave you a 'Now do you want to play' look. You quickly walked away and headed for the bathroom. You wanted to brush your teeth because you just ate, it's good to brush your teeth!

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