British Gentleman (England)

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Y/N Pov

You get off the table and walk to the stairs," Hey Y/N, Im thinking of going to the store, do you want to come?" You hear a English accent and you turn to see who it is, of course the one and only England,"Sure, let me get dressed and let's go." You run upstairs to get your hair brushed and get your F/C flowy shirt and some matching F/C shorts, you run downstairs and head to the car. You get in the car on the passenger side and England in the driver's side, you head to Walmart for some snacks and food because feeding 13 people for a week drains food fast. You turn on the radio and some who turn to Beast and the Harlot

You sang along quietly as you look over Reddit, to your suprise he looks like he is enjoying your company. "So Arthur." "Mhm?" "What do you think of me so far?" He looks as if he wants to stop the car, not in a mad way but in a suprise way,"Well, um, you are fun to hang around. I like that you enjoy my tea and jokes, and you are nice to all of us." You smile,"I'm glad you think that, after all you are a good gentleman and ex-pirate, you are fun to have around." You see a slight blush on his face,"T-thank you, oh we are here!" You look up and you pull into a parking spot, you get out and walk to the store. You get a basket and start to get a the basic stuff, soap, body and hair wash, food, veggies, fruit, and soda. You also get wine and vodka requested by France and Russia, you start to walk to check out anf you spot a coffee shop. "Hey Arthur, want to go there?" You point to the shop, he nods his head and finishes paying the cashier.

All throughout the store you got looks from women, you poke England in the shoulder and you gesture to the woman. They look away blushing, you put the rest of the stuff in the basket and head to the little cafe to sit down and have a drink. You get your drink and England gets his, you sit down and sigh. "So what's the plan for the day?" You ask England,"I thought we can cook some food together and just hang out, I think it would be fun!" You cringe a bit at the cooking part but you can't just go off the show, you need to try it for yourself! "Sure," you smile," Can't wait to try it!"

A women walks up to the table,"Hey," she looks at England,"Want to come and get a drink with me instead?" We both give a what the hell did you say look,"I'm sorry ma'am but-" "We are on a date!" England shouts out, you are shook," Suit yourself..." You blush as you look at England,"Why did you say that?" He shrugges,"She wouldn't have given up if I would have said no, also I think it would be fun if we were in a date." He blushes and you smile,"You are one gentleman, now where were we?"


You get home and put away the groceries with England, he keeps some of the stuff out,"What is that for?" He smiles,"Fish and chips, we are going to cook together right?" As soon as the others hear the word cook from England they rush to the kitchen,"No! Dudette do not cook with him!" The American says," You need to step away from Arthur chica, very slowly." The Spanish man says. They are acting as if he is a wild animal," Oh we quiet you bloody wankers, sorry about that Y/N let's get cooking!" You smile and ready everything, you hear quiet sobs in the background and,"We lost her, she's gone" from the guys, mostly from the bad touch trio.

You cook with England for fish and chips, at the last second you burn your hand on the oil, you step back a little and make a weird ch noise. England notices,"Are you okay?" You smile,"Ya I'm good, the oil just got on my skin and burned me. Don't mind me I'll just cool it off." He starts to laugh,"Don't scare me like that, now just let it cool  and we can eat it," He paused,"I really hope... You like it..." He says blushing. You smile,"I don't want to go into this thinking that this is as bad as everybody says, I'm really excited to see your amazing cooking." You hear a laughing in the background, England suddenly hugs you and starts crying in your arm. You never thought it was this bad but you hugs back,"That you for believing in me, even if the food isn't good at least you tried."

The food as cooled down and England set up the table, you sit down as the others poked there head over there couch. You are a little nerves but you pick up the fish and eat it, your eyes light up,"Holy cow this is amazing! How can people be missing out on this? How could people criticize this?" A smile is all over Englands face, a small tear in his eyes. In the background you hear "The world is ending!" "She likes the food?!?" "No no she must be a great acter!" He hears these comments and frowns,"Don't listen to them, I really appreciate you making this for me. I hope we can do it again!" He smiles,"Yes I really hope that we can do this again together."

All the countries run to England leaving you in the back, the door bell rings. "I'll get it!" You run over to the door, you open up and see a pink haired man with a box,"Hello poppet~ we heard you ordered some cupcakes, please take then." You were about to take the box when you look at him closer, the pink hair and blue eyes are similar to,"Oliver?!?!" You step back,"Right you are!"


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