chapter 7|| pain

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"Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe"

 "Think I like you best when you're just with me"

I hear music, but there isn't any playing. My alarm has gone off for the last few minutes, but I can't move to turn it off. I can't speak. I feel trapped in my bed, but I'm too tired and sore to care.

I have a lot of pain in my stomach area and my face feels sore too. It's hard to breathe. I try to adjust myself so I'm sitting, but any movement of my abdomen hurts too much.

I try to remember last night after I was initiated, but I can't. I remember standing up and putting on my jacket and bits and pieces of what happened at the Whyte Wyrm, but I don't remember anything else.

Without warning, FP opens the door to my room. The light floods in from the hall and I have to blink a few times to get used to the light. 

"Reagan, you're going to be late to school," he says. "Shit, they got you good." He looks down the hall and then steps into my room. I'm guessing he's looking for Jughead.

He walks over to my bed and kneels down. He grabs my phone and turns off my alarm. "Can you sit up?" he asks.

"No, I tried."

"I'll call you out from school."

He walks out of the room and comes back with a bag of peas and a glass of water.

"I have to go open Pop's, are you going to be okay here?" he asks. He places the frozen peas on the left side of my face and he puts my phone in my hand.


"Okay. Call if you need anything. If you feel it gets any worse, or you throw up blood, call 911."

"I can't." I manage to say. If I go to the hospital, they'll revoke my admittance into the Serpents.

"I know what you're thinking, but would you rather die than not be a part of the Serpents?" He turns to leave, but stops for a quick second. "You'll have to think of a reason why you're not at school that doesn't have anything to do with your injuries. Some people might not be too happy that a girl from Greendale made it through initiation. The real initiation. They might use it as an excuse to get you kicked out."

I don't respond, but I nod.

 ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° 

I hear voices in the kitchen. Somebody's rustling around and before I can think twice I move the room temperature bag of peas from my face to my lower abdomen.

Jughead whips open the door to my room behind him is Sweet Pea and Toni.

"Where were you today?" Jughead asks. His tone isn't aggressive, but it also isn't sympathetic.

I muster all my strength to sit up without looking like I'm in pain.

"Girl troubles," I say looking down towards the bag of peas which is now on my crotch.

"Oh, uh, okay," Jughead says. "Do you, uh, need anything?" he asks.

"No, I'm okay. I'll be fine tomorrow. The first day is always the toughest for me."

"Alright then," he clears his throat. When he leaves, Sweet Pea follows him. Toni stays behind and points to her cellphone before leaving.

I learned a while ago that if I ever need an excuse to just blame if on 'girl troubles'. It always worked on my dad. 

I look at my phone and see Toni texted 'u ok'. 

I text back 'yeah' and lay back down.

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