chapter 29|| going away

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(Note: It keeps cutting off my chapters mid-chapter. Please check back to make sure you've read the whole thing before you move to the next chapter. I'll look back within 24 hours to make sure the whole thing has been posted. Thx)

"As long as you're with me you'll be just fine"

"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby"

"Nothing's gonna take you from my side"

"Why don't you guys get out of here?" Jughead calls out to the Ghoulies. He takes a few steps so that he's next to Sweet Pea.

"You're out numbered," Malachai comments. "You might as well just hand over what we want."

"Look, you swine, you should leave immediately. The other Serpents will be here in just a few minutes," Cheryl adds.

"I was under the impression that this was a small going away party," Malachai says with a smirk.

"So who invited you?" Jughead asks.

Malachai holds up his phone, but it's too far away to read anything on the screen. 

"I got a text telling me to show up," he shrugs. "They said it'd be my last chance to say goodbye to your little Greendale pet."

Sweet Pea flinches, but it's so dark I think I'm the only want that notices. He's so tense and angered. I want to reach out to calm him, but I know better than to touch him right now. He's ready to throw a punch and I can't get in front of that.

"What do you think, Sweet Pea, would you mind sharing her so I can say goodbye?" Malachai asks with a smirk.

His words make me sick, but I stand tall. I can't show weakness.

Sweet Pea tightens his fist, but doesn't say anything. Jughead tightens his too. Over this past school year, I've really felt like Jughead became more like my older brother. I don't think he likes hearing this about me either. 

"Malachai, you should really get going. I don't think you're remembering what happened last time," Jughead taunts. I realize that he's stalling. The longer he can keep Malachai talking, the more time FP and Archie have to get here.

"Didn't we have to pull Sweet Pea off of you?" Cheryl asks with venom leaking in her words.

"I remember being out numbered," he comments. "That's why I brought some friends."

They all start walking towards us. We all fall back into our aggressive stances.

"What's your obsession with me, anyways?" I call out. They stop moving and Sweet Pea jumps a little at my words. He doesn't like that I've spoken up, but I'm trying to buy us more time.

"At first, it was purely carnal, sweetheart. But now, it's business," Malachai answers.

"Business?" I ask when I see them start to walk again. My question again stops them. Now they're about 15 feet away.

"Who says you can't mix business and pleasure? I got a text offering me and the Ghoulies a pretty nice deal if we were able to get our hands on you. They also mentioned a bonus if we did a number to Sweet Pea."

Who would offer them a deal. I can only think of one person ... or one family.

I gulp and they start walking, "So let's do this," Malachai says and they begin running towards us.

Malachai aims to go after me, but Sweet Pea intercepts him. I notice Jughead get in a good punch on one of the other Ghoulies before I'm tackled to the ground by a different Ghoulie. 

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