chapter 19|| girls night

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  "And I know the shape of your hands because I watch 'em when you talk "

    "And I know the shape of your body cause I watch it when you walk"

Cheryl's house is huge. We walk up the grand stair case to get to her room. Toni, Betty, Veronica, and I are all carrying our bags for our 'girls night'. I didn't really want to come, but Cheryl said I owe her one reminding me that she was my alibi for the night I went to the hospital.

I don't think Cheryl would ever tell anyone about that night. And I don't know at this point I don't know who would really care more than I do. Except maybe the Ghoulie's? I don't know how they would use that information, but I know they would find out a way to hurt me or the Serpents with it.

We start the night off with make overs and Cheryl makes it obvious she only wants to do this so that she can 'transform my Greendale face'. I never wear make up, but when Cheryl is done I'm surprised by how much better I look. I mean, it's a little over the top, but it still looks nice. 

After our make overs we have dinner and then we return to Cheryl's room to talk and gossip. I listen to the other girls talk about their boyfriends, our other friends, our classes, our teachers. I don't join in too much, mainly because I'm too scared to talk over Cheryl.

Around 11 Cheryl decides we need to play truth or dare, but to make it fun if you decide to not  answer the question or do the dare you have to drink from the bottle of red wine being passed around. I know I'm in trouble because I'm not really interested in drinking as much as Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni are.

"Okay, Morgot, you first. Truth or dare?" Cheryl asks me.

"I'll make this easy, I'll always chose truth."

"When are you ever going to have sex with Sweet Pea?" Cheryl asks me.

"Oh, uh, I already have."

"What?!" Cheryl exclaims and Toni looks surprised as well.

Betty and Veronica nod knowingly.

"How did I not know? I know everything! Tell me everything? When? Where? How was it?"

Toni passes Cheryl the bottle so she'll settle down.

"A few weeks ago at Veronica's cabin. And it was ... well, I thought it was really good."

"How long did he last?" Cheryl asks me.

"Long enough, I guess. I don't know. I wasn't timing it."

"Did you ... you know ... finish?" Cheryl asks.

"I'm not answering that. My turn is over," I answer. But Betty and Veronica are nodding. "You guys! How could you give me away like that? And how did you even know?" I ask the two girls nodding. 

Cheryl is so intrigued right now. She is loving this.

"Our bedrooms shared a wall, and let's just say no one yells like that if they aren't coming," Veronica answers before taking a sip of the wine.

"We're not making fun of you or anything. We're really happy for you. It's really rare for a girl to, um, finish," Betty adds.

Toni, Cheryl and I look at her in disbelief. Sweet Pea and I have been together three times since then and all three times I finished.

"Betty, has Jughead ever truly got you off?" Cheryl asks.

"I mean, yeah a few times I think, but--"

"Hold it right there. If you're saying I think the answer is no," Toni interrupts.

Cheryl goes into detail about what Jughead needs to do in bed and I think I see Veronica take mental notes too.

"Something needs to change for you," Cheryl says. "I mean, why even have sex if only one person is going to finish. Men," she says in disgust. Toni raises the bottle up as if to say she agrees and then takes a sip.

We finish the first round and the question of "truth or dare" is asked to me again. When I reply with truth, the other four decide they need to decide on the question together before asking me in order to not ask me a question that half of them already know the answer to like before.

"How big is Sweet Pea?" Veronica asks me. I can see Toni didn't agree to this question being asked as she rolls her eyes.

"I don't know if that's my place to say. It's not really my truth."

"Then drink," Veronica says, holding the bottle out to me.

"Do I have to?" I ask. "Can't you ask me a different question?"

"Let's ask her a different one," Toni agrees and Betty nods.

"That's not the game," Veronica responds and Cheryl responds.

"V, you just want to know so that you can compare it to Archie's," Betty rolls her eyes. "We think Archie is like a centimeter bigger than Jughead," Betty tells me and I can tell from her tone and face that she's annoyed.

Toni leans in and whispers something to Cheryl.

"Oooh, yes. Okay, Margot. Either you answer the question, drink, or we get to decide a dare that you have to do and if you don't you finish the bottle."

"Fine, dare," I respond.

The four girls are excited, this has been the first dare.

"We dare you to call Sweet Pea so we can ask him a truth question."

"Oh come on guys, he won't want to do that," I answer.

"Yeah, but he'll do anything for you," Veronica says and there's something different in her tone. I can't put my finger on it.

I sigh. "Fine." I take out my phone and call him on speaker phone. He answers on the second ring.

"Hey, Ray, what's up?" he asks me.

"Hey, so I'm here at Cheryl's..." I trail.

"Uh huh?" he says.

"And you have to answer a question for us truthfully, mongrel, or else Margot has to finish the bottle" Cheryl speaks.

"Oh, um, am I on speaker?"

"Hi Sweet Pea," Veronica, Betty, and Toni all say in unison.

"Steven, if you don't want to, that's okay. I'll just drink."

He knows I don't drink.

"What's the question?" he says reluctantly.

All the girls whisper and they come up with a question together.

"Okay Steven--" Cheryl starts.

"No, you don't call me that," Sweet Pea says sternly.

"Fine. Hobo," she corrects and Sweet Pea doesn't correct her this time, but I know he's rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone, "we all know that you adore your little orphan girlfriend, but our question is: what do you dislike most about her?"

"Sorry, babe, but you might have to drink for my answer," Sweet Pea responds. "Because I don't have an answer. I love everything about her. She knows that."

I look up from the phone to see Veronica take a long swig out of the bottle.

"Uh, you're disgusting. What happened to the Sweet Pea that hated everyone. You can't think of one thing you don't like about her?" Cheryl asks.

"No," he answers.

"Okay, well how about even before you started dating?" Betty asks.

"No. I think I loved her even then," he answers.

My heart swells and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I know my smile must be bigger than my face.

"Are we done here? Ray?" he asks.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, babe," Sweet Pea says before I hang up.

Cheryl reaches for the bottle to give to me, but it's then we notice the bottle is empty and that Veronica has left the room.

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