chapter 23|| the dating game

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   "I'm in love with something real"

   "It could be me, that's changing"

Schools been out for an hour, but I've been working on a Newspaper project in the library with Jughead. When we finish we walk towards the student lounge to see Betty, Cheryl, and Veronica in their cheer uniforms practicing a new chant. Sweet Pea is on the couch reading a book and Toni is next to him watching the girls cheer. A few months ago, it would surprise me to see Pea with a book open, but he's actually been reading more. I lend him a different book every few weeks. It takes him a while, but he always finishes the books I give him.

I walk in and take a seat next to Sweet Pea and kiss him on the cheek. He closes his book and puts his arm around me. Archie walks in next and he's drenched.

"It is pouring out there. You can't even see three feet in front of you," he tells us. He takes a seat and shakes his hair out like a dog.

"Looks like we'll be here for a bit," Toni comments.

"Why don't we use this time wisely, friends?" Cheryl asks, but her tone is mischievous. She walks over to one of the tables that has small white boards and markers. "Let's play the dating game."

"The dating game?" Jughead asks.

"Yeah, were we ask a question and see which couples can come up with the same answer."

"I don't know..." Betty trails. She glances at Veronica and Archie quickly and then back at Cheryl.

"It'll be fine," Cheryl says as she throws the white boards like Frisbees to everyone. "Guys over here, girls over here," she points.

I know better than to argue with Cheryl. I move from Sweet Pea and take a seat next to Betty.

"What about you two..." Archie says, pointing to Toni and Cheryl.

"We'll be the judges. Besides, we know everything about each other. We'd blow you guys out of the water, if we played."

Toni takes a seat next to Cheryl. "We will ask a question to the boys first about their girlfriend. Everyone writes their answer. Then we'll reveal to see who has the same answer."

I still am not sure if I understand, but I am too scared to interrupt Cheryl.

"First question, boys. What is your girlfriend's bra size?"

Sweet Pea and I make eye contact.

"Come on, Cheryl, I don't want to do this," Jughead says.

"Fine, let's make it interesting. The winner will win ..." Cheryl and Toni whisper to each other. "Free milkshakes for a month at Pop's."

None of us look excited about her 'prize'. "Fine, the winner will win the right to tell me to shut up for a whole month. No questions asked, my mouth will be sealed."

Everyone makes eye contact and Jughead says, "alright," and he starts writing.

Sweet Pea looks at me, then at my bra, then he starts writing. "Ladies, write the correct answers on your boards."

I write on mine, but hold it close to me so no one can read it.

"Let's start with Archie. Show us your board."

   Archie wrote: 38C

   Veronica shows her board: 32C

Archie tries to argue that he's close enough but Cheryl and Toni deny him a point.

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