chapter 24|| spring break

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   "Tear me to pieces, skin and bone"

   "Hello, welcome home"

I look out the window on my drive back to Greendale. My dad took the Friday before spring break off so that he could drive to Riverdale and pick me up right from school.

I barely have a moment to say goodbye to Sweet Pea.

We're almost back home ... It's kind of weird to call it home. I've gotten so used to my tiny space in Riverdale.

On the car ride we talk about school and my dad's job, but we don't talk much about the Serpents or Sweet Pea. I can't tell who is avoiding that conversation more: me or my dad.

"I think I overhead Jim say that Katie will be in town this week too." 

Katie was a friend I had at Greendale High before it shut down. Her and her mom moved to Montebello so she could finish her school. 

Most the students from my school moved to Montebello, considering it's the closest city. Some moved to Spring Valley. Only few moved to Riverdale, but I haven't seen them this semester now that I think about it.

"I'll have to catch up with her," I comment. I don't really plan to though. My life is so different, it would be hard to explain to someone who has never been to Riverdale. 

I tried to keep in touch with her, but it was obvious that she started a new life for herself too. She stopped responding to my messages.

"Oh good. Jim and I already kind of planned for them to come over tomorrow to watch the basketball game."

"Oh good," I repeat what he said, but I'm not so convinced.

 ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° 

"So, uh, how is school?" Katie asks me. We're sitting in my backyard while our dads watch TV in the front room. We can hear them shouting at the TV every few minutes.

"It's good," I answer. "Your school?" I ask.

"It's good," she answers.

We sit in silence for a few moments. I look at the trees and she looks at her nails.

"So, uh, this is kind of weird," she comments.

"Yeah," I laugh and she joins me laughing awkwardly.

"Let's not talk about school, lets talk about..." she trails.

"Are there any cute guys in Montebello?" I ask.

She gives me as sneaky smile. "Let me show you a picture," she says as she swipes through her phone. "I'm talking to him." She shows me a picture of a white boy with blond hair. Not really my type, but I can see why Katie would think he's attractive. 

"Oooooh," I comment. "What stage of 'talking' are you in?" I ask.

"We kind of have similar friends, so we're always hanging out. And we made out twice, but nothing official." She stares at his picture as she describes him. "His name is Caleb and he's turning 18 next month."

"Wow, so he's a senior?" I ask.

"Yeah. That's why we're not official. We don't know what school he's going to go to and I don't trust him to be a hundred miles from me. I've already caught him texting other girls..." she trails.

"Wow," I don't know how to respond.

"How about you?" she asks me.

"I have a boyfriend," I say.

"Really? Show me a picture!"

I show her the most recent picture Betty took of the two of us sitting on FP's couch. He has his arm around me and he's looking at the camera while I'm looking at him."

"He's hot. He looks ... mysterious," she says.

"Not really," I laugh to myself.

"But he's wearing all black. Wait, is that a leather jacket. Oh my god, that's so hot."

I don't mention what the jacket symbolizes or that I have a matching one.

"What's his name?"

"Steven, but everyone calls him Sweet Pea."

"Sweet Pea... hm, how old is he?" she asks.

"Our age. He's a junior."

"Good. So you guys have another year before you're both thinking about college. That's nice. I wish Caleb and I had another year..."

 ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° ° º ° 

It's Thursday. Only a few more days until I return to Riverdale.

I walk into the living room with the phone to my ear. I see that my dad has just got home from work and he has a bag of food. My stomach grumbles unhappily: I don't know how much more fast food I can eat. It's like my dad has forgotten how to cook since I've been gone.

"I have to go. I'll call you later," I say to Sweet Pea.

"Okay, love you," he says.

I smile and hang up.

"Who was that?" My dad asks. I follow him to the dinner table and he hands me my food.

"Sweet Pea," I respond.

"FP says you guys have been getting kind of serious." He's trying to make his tone lighthearted, but I can this is about to be a heavy conversation.

I shrug, "I don't really know what he means by that."

"He said you two remind him of me and your mom when we were your guys' age."

I still don't know how to respond. 

"I'm just saying, Ray, your mom and I made a lot of mistakes at that age. We really didn't get our lives together until we moved here. Well... for the most part together." I can see that it's hard to talk about my mom. Even after all this time.

"I don't think we're doing anything wrong," I comment.

"That's not what I'm saying," he responds. He rubs the back of the next and I know what he's about to say is stressful for him.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

He sighs. "Ray, I'm going to be transferred to Buffalo," he comments.

"Buffalo. Isn't that were uncle Everette used to live?" I asks.


"That's, like, over five hours away."

"Yes. And Ray, you're going to come with me. You'll finish school there."

Time stops. My mind is moving a million miles per hour, but I can't move my body.

"Dad," I start to protest, but I don't know where to start.

"We'll move there in June after your semester ends."

I can't respond verbally. I stand from the table.

"Ray, let's talk about this," my dad says.

"I can't," I tell him and I go to my room and shut the door.

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