Slow Dance With You

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modern highschool AU

"c'mon (y/n), let's go home."
Keith said as he pulled on the sleeve of your dress.

It was prom night. The night that was considered to be the best night of your highschool lives.

But that wasn't the case for you and Keith.

This guy at your school, he was the most hottest guy there is. You didn't expect for him to ask you out, but he did. All the other girls growled and warned you to 'not take their man'.

You told your friends about him, and they told you to not go out with him. They told you he was a playboy, a jerk, and many more.

"you're wrong. You're completely wrong! He's kind, sweet, and handsome. He's not a jerk guys!" Boy, were you wrong. You should've listened to them.

He stood you up.

Good thing for you, your best friend Keith showed up just in time. He didn't have a date, so he was just roaming around. When he found you, standing all alone while everyone was dancing, he went beside you, only to see you crying your eyes out.

"(Y/n)?" Keith's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned your head at him, "let's go home." You nodded your head at him.


The two of you went out of your school. Your destination: home.

Your house was pretty far from your school, about 4-5 blocks. But it was worth it, as long as Keith was there.
The two of you walked in an awkward yet comfortable silence.

Keith thought about asking you what happened, but he decided not to. "He stood me up." You mumbled, as if you read his mind. His eyes widened, "what?"

"he stood me up."

Keith sighed, crossed his arms, and stopped walking. You stopped walking to, "what's wrong-"

"i'll just go back and punch him, okay?" He said, but before he could leave you grabbed a hold of his jacket sleeve. He looked at you again, "Don't. It's not worth it."

He gave you an 'are you sure' look. You just nodded. "I just want to go home, Keith." He nodded and the two of you continued your walk back home.

You felt something on the top of your head. You looked up, and a drop of water landed on your nose. Then just before you could tell Keith, it started raining heavily.

You and Keith looked at each other, but the two of you decided to just stand there. The two of you were very tired and done.

Done with highschool. Done with prom.

Keith took off his dress jacket, and put it on you. "thank you." you mumbled as you put his jacket on. You looked at him and his white dress shirt, which was now soaking wet from the rain. You stared at his muscles that were now exposed due to the rain pouring down on both of you.

"uh, (y/n)? Are you alright?" You jumped and yelped, "uh, yeah! I-I'm fine!" You cleared your throat.

It came back again. That same awkward yet comfortable silence. The both of you just stood there, enjoying each others company and the rain.

"slow dance with you." You sang as you kept you head down, looking at the wet sidewalk. Keith looked at you with confusion, a blush can be clearly seen on his face.

"i just want to slow dance with you." Your grabbed his left hand an you put it on your right hand. Keith's face was as red as his tie right now.

You grabbed his right hand and you put it on your waist. You gave him a smile. A smile so bright, it could steer away this heavy rain. A smile that made Keith's heart flutter, and his face redder.

The two of you started to move, nothing else mattered. It was like everything disappeared. It was just the two of you.

"i know all the other boys are tough and smooth" You looked to the side, but you looked back at him again. Your (e/c) eyes shining, brightening up the storm.

Keith right now was debating on rather he should kiss you or not.

"and i got the blues, i want to slow dance with you."

The two of you stopped dancing. Which made Keith panic on the inside. Did he do something wrong? Did he ruin the moment?

All of his troubles went away when you looked back at him again with the shining (e/c) eyes and that bright smile, "i want to slow dance with you"

"slow dance" Keith sang along, chuckling. This made you laugh a bit too. Who knew Keith's voice was this amazing.

"i just want to slow dance with you."
the grip on his hand tightened.

"slow dance" He breathed out,

"why dont you take the chance?" You said, putting your free hand on his cheek,

"i've got the moves," you said as you chuckled at yourself. You didn't consider yourself as one to dance.

"i'd like to prove." Keith continued, putting his hand on your cheek this time, as you put your hand down.

"i want to slow dance with you." Keith finished as he leaned closer and closer, until he finally closed the gap between the two of you.

Your lips moved in sync with his. You were the happiest you've ever been. The two of you kept your focus on each other and nothing else. You both fit, like a puzzle piece.

Eventually, the two of you had to let go, to breathe. You smiled at him again, and he gave a smile back.

was this the best night of your lives?


ohmy goodneed gracious. enjoy some fluff guys. Ill give you lots of angst later on nyehehe

anyways hope you all enjoyed this! the song is:

slow dance with you
by: marceline, from adventure time

thank you all for staying with me,
and have a good one!

with love,

xoxo | keith k. Where stories live. Discover now